[liberationtech] "Extra-government voting" research project?

Neema Moraveji neema at stanford.edu
Sat Sep 15 23:18:57 PDT 2012

Researchers, hackers, and students:

There is a need in many countries, to support "extra-government
elections" with web-based technology (i.e., let citizens vote fairly
without government influence, extortion, etc.).  I think this is a
valuable investment of time for a Libtech/HCI/CS/ICTD research

Imagine a site that allowed citizens to vote, could show the outside
world and governments themselves (which often have unreliable means of
voting/counting/etc.) how the citizens really feel about different
candidates - in a non-biased way.

The research issues to solve: authentication, visualization,
accountability, and perhaps even access.  Using common computer
components (keyboard, webcam, etc.) can such a system be delivered to
at least approximate the real sentiment of the people? At least to the
outside world?

Does such a system already exist?

I am in Iran right now connecting with young people and intellectuals.
I can't speak for other countries but Iran will have important
elections in 9 months.  If even a prototype of such a system exists,
it could gain wide use here and be used by news agencies around the
world to broadcast the difference between govt and extra-govt voting

All the best,

Neema Moraveji, Ph.D.
Calming Technology Lab
Stanford University
moraveji.org, calmingtech.stanford.edu
@moraveji, @calmingtech

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