[liberationtech] Innovative Mapping Week

Alexandre Enkerli enkerli at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 15:46:21 PDT 2012

Hello all,  

Imagination for People is a platform aimed at supporting imaginative social projects through diverse means.
One of our most recent initiatives is a series of “Focus Weeks” during which we explore various dimensions of social innovation using broad themes. The idea is to bridge gaps between interesting technologies, groups, people, and projects.

Mapping is our theme for September. Relevant issues and topics include mapping APIs, integrated resource management (including water management), crowdmapping, geolocation, and crisis mapping. Overall, we wish to be as inclusive as possible in our approach.

We’ll be holding a “livetweet” session on #InnMap this coming Wednesday (September 19), from 8–10 a.m. PDT (11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT, 15:00–17:00 UTC).

If you know of social projects making use of innovative mapping technology, you can alter us to them on this Etherpad: http://i4p.ca/innmap

If you would like to participate in some of our activities, you can learn more about our focus week on our blog: http://i4p.ca/fw1


Alex Enkerli, ethnographer and community manager
Imagination for People

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