[liberationtech] FinFisher is now controlled by UK export controls

Pavol Luptak wilder at trip.sk
Wed Sep 12 15:35:33 PDT 2012

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 03:59:52PM -0400, Collin Anderson wrote:
>    export. http://www.bis.doc.gov/encryption/encfaqs6_17_02.html#6
>    Here is a really good, succinct primer presentation on
>    regulatory jurisdictions: http://www.gibsondunn.com/publications/Documents/WebcastSlides-EncryptionExportControls-02-21-2012.pdf
>    I would also point out that no cryptography software is allowed to be
>    exported to "Terrorist Supporting Countries," to the extent that Firefox
>    was advised a few years ago that it could not export to Syria, et al
>    unless it opted to not track download locations.

And of course this does not work, because of plenty resellers between UK/USA 
and "terrorist supporting sountries" and most UK/USA companies have no idea
where their products finally end up... Economical regulations do not work,
if there is a demand (and there is a huge demand). Instead of forcing these 
regulations, western governments should support a liberation/freedom activities
in these countries... (EFF is great in doing this).

[wilder at trip.sk] [http://trip.sk/wilder/] [talker: ttt.sk 5678]

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