[liberationtech] Large amounts of spam
Greg Norcie
greg at norcie.com
Wed Oct 31 19:29:23 PDT 2012
I used to do anti-phishing training for a start up.
Spammers aren't dumb.
They probably realize
1.) People in academia trust other academics
2.) People from Stanford have more disposable income than the average
mailing list recipient.
Greg Norcie (greg at norcie.com)
GPG key: 0x1B873635
On 10/31/12 6:50 PM, Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb wrote:
> At a risk of receiving the mentioned spam myself (thankfully my
> mail provider also seems to be killing the spam before it gets to
> me), and at risk of offering another evidence-less possible
> scenario -
> There was recently a "valid" e-mail account that was somehow used
> to send spam to the list. It's quite conceivable that account is
> some way connected/has provided the beginning point.
> Or like the person from Stanford mentioned maybe the spam is
> targeting a number of Stanford lists....
> On 31 Oct 2012, at 22:41, Yosem Companys wrote:
>> Maybe. But the site was already mirrored for a while prior to
>> the archives being made public. So I think that's unlikely.
>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Andrew Lewis <me at andrewlew.is>
>> wrote:
>>> Maybe someone is simply scrapping the archives for the sender
>>> address?
>>> On Oct 31, 2012, at 6:36 PM, Sarah Watts wrote:
>>>> I am one of the...people it got; my email address was
>>>> suddenly subscribed to more than thirty lists (Twenty maybe)
>>>> none of which I subscribed to.
>>>> I contacted someone...and have yet to do the second thing
>>>> they suggested.
>>>> -S
>>>> On 10/31/12, S Vivek <vivekdse at stanford.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Greg: This seems to be happening in other lists at
>>>>> Stanford, and so I won't be worried of a concerted effort
>>>>> against the libtech listserv. We are working on it, and I
>>>>> hope that we'll be able to handle it soon.
>>>>> Vivek
>>>>> ===== Program on Liberation Technology, Stanford
>>>>> University http://liberationtechnology.stanford.edu
>>>>> C 149 Encina Hall 616 Serra St. Stanford, CA 94305
>>>>> Phone: 1-801-784-8357, that is 1-801-S Vivek's!
>>>>> Blog: http://viveks.info
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Andy Isaacson
>>>>> <adi at hexapodia.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 07:32:18PM -0400, Nadim Kobeissi
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> This mailing list has a spam problem (I'm receiving
>>>>>>> nude photo
>>>>>> attachments
>>>>>>> now.) Admins: Please address!
>>>>>> Hmmm, I'm not seeing this problem; I'm subscribed to
>>>>>> liberationtech on a bog-standard linux + postfix
>>>>>> installation and I save every message delivered before I
>>>>>> run spam filtering, and I don't see anything
>>>>>> porn-spam-related in my all-mail archive.
>>>>>> Care to share one of the spam messages (headers + body
>>>>>> text only, I don't need any more nude photos thnx)?
>>>>>> Offlist is bettter I suppose.
>>>>>> -andy -- Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change
>>>>>> password at:
>>>>>> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech
>>>> Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password at:
>>>> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech
>>> -- Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password at:
>>> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech
>> -- Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password at:
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> -------------------------------------- Bernard / bluboxthief /
> ei8fdb
> IO91XM / www.ei8fdb.org
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