[liberationtech] A technologically progressive approach for oppressive regimes to operate.

Patrick Meier (iRevolution) patrick at irevolution.net
Wed Oct 31 16:15:45 PDT 2012

Many thanks for sharing, Bernard. I had a different take on this a while


But you definitely raise some important points, which are making me revisit
the hypothesis I put forward.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb
<ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I attended a talk recently in London titled "(Mobile) Money Makes the
> World Go Around". [1]
> It was attended by people involved in mobile money (M-Pesa, mobile
> operators, finance companies, and billing backend people). The conversation
> was about how wonderful M-Pesa and such services (they are, in certain
> ways), and the different business factors that are at play in the mobile
> money industry.
> I asked a question about privacy and anonymity in the use of mobile money
> services. I was a little shocked (I expected the answer, but not so
> bluntly) when a representative from M-Pesa said "You can forget it frankly.
> If you are making an electronic payment, somebody somewhere wants to know
> you are not money laundering. Arguably we don't have any privacy anyway."
> [2]
> And then I thought: what a wonderful way to keep control of a group of
> people - state run mobile operator who implements a compulsory mobile money
> service for the population. You have an electronic device in everyones
> pocket, which can be located to (depending on cell density) down to 50m
> approx, with an MSISDN (telephone number) tied to bank account details.
> To the "outside world" you look forward thinking, progressive and
> technological progressive.
> Is it necessary to go to that length? Too much money? Is the front needed?
> Bernard
> [1] http://mobileheroes.net/
> [2] http://soundcloud.com/heroes-of-mobile/mobile-money-makes-the-world
> - --------------------------------------
> Bernard / bluboxthief / ei8fdb
> IO91XM / www.ei8fdb.org
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