[liberationtech] Large amounts of spam

S Vivek vivekdse at stanford.edu
Wed Oct 31 14:02:58 PDT 2012

Greg: This seems to be happening in other lists at Stanford, and so I won't
be worried of a concerted effort against the libtech listserv.  We are
working on it, and I hope that we'll be able to handle it soon.


Program on Liberation Technology,
Stanford University

C 149 Encina Hall
616 Serra St.
Stanford, CA 94305

Phone: 1-801-784-8357, that is 1-801-S Vivek's!

Blog: http://viveks.info

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Andy Isaacson <adi at hexapodia.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 07:32:18PM -0400, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
> > This mailing list has a spam problem (I'm receiving nude photo
> attachments
> > now.) Admins: Please address!
> Hmmm, I'm not seeing this problem; I'm subscribed to liberationtech on a
> bog-standard linux + postfix installation and I save every message
> delivered before I run spam filtering, and I don't see anything
> porn-spam-related in my all-mail archive.
> Care to share one of the spam messages (headers + body text only, I
> don't need any more nude photos thnx)?  Offlist is bettter I suppose.
> -andy
> --
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