[liberationtech] Collaborative social network Kune

Samer samer at ourproject.org
Wed Oct 31 12:18:31 PDT 2012

Hi there,

We thought you might be interested in the new release of the collaborative
federated social network Kune: Kune codename "Ostrom" http://kune.cc  Kune
is focused in real-time collaboration (not just communication), in building
(not just in sharing).

This new release is fully multi-lingual, supporting 12 languages, and
with multiple
It is coined "Ostrom" as a homage to the Nobel Prize of Economics Elinor
Ostrom, who demonstrated how the Commons can be managed by their
communities in a better and more successful way than how the State and the
Market manage them.

Why Kune? Because all together we have built and maintained a free/open
encyclopedia such as Wikipedia... but we cannot stop in an encyclopedia, we
must aim for the complete free/open library. Thus, we need tools to build
and maintain, all together, that whole distributed “network of libraries”:
a free/open distributed ecosystem of resources, methods, designs, tools and
knowledge that can enable a free/open society. We have the theoretical
tools (e.g. Elinor Ostrom works), we have the legal tools (e.g. Creative
Commons), and with tools such as Kune we hope to contribute to have
technical tools that promote real-time peer collaboration for building and
maintaining Commons in every field.

More info:
https://github.com/comunes/kune (mirror)



"No son tiempos para hacer cualquier cosa"
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