[liberationtech] Fwd: Finally the Computer-Internet Security Racket is Exposed
jd.cypherpunks at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 08:30:54 PDT 2012
crossposting b/c of importance
> Von: John Young <jya at pipeline.com>
> Datum: 30. Oktober 2012 13:36:19 MEZ
> An: cypherpunks at al-qaeda.net
> Betreff: Finally the Computer-Internet Security Racket is Exposed
> http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/30/science/rethinking-the-computer-at-80.html
> Peter Neumann proposes killing computers and the Internet to start over
> and build something far worse to meticulously track every nano-bite of digital
> communications with unrevocable, implanted encrypted ID in every device to
> authenticate ID of users.
> DARPA, who else, is funding the work to kill anonymity and privacy for,
> ta da, national security racketeering.
> The bountiful cyberwar mongerers are delirious with support for their
> job security of predicting evermore Pearl Harbors, amply protected by
> secrecy of "defensive" USG cyber aggression.
> Dr. Neumann is a great generation advocate to bless this takeover
> makeover. He was there at the beginning of the last one which
> never, quote, offered security, thus leading to a multi-billion
> dollar industry of snake oil. No, not national security oil, its
> bastard children of cyber oilers.
> None of those deliberately-deceptive-comsec creeps have ever been
> here, whew, only on RISKS.
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