[liberationtech] Fwd: Call For Papers -- Social Media and Social Computing; Infosys Lab Briefings
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Tue Oct 30 08:13:34 PDT 2012
From: San Murugesan <san1 at internode.net>
I’m guest editing a special issue of *Infosys Lab
**Social Media and Social Computing.** *Please find below the Call for
Papers* (*PDF version of the Call is also attached herewith). For this
issue, * *we solicit* * articles from researchers, developers and
executives – anyone could send their submission.
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You may please forward this mail to those who might be interested.****
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Prof San Murugesan****
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*Call for Papers *
*Infosys Labs Briefings***
* *
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Social Media and Social Computing:
Progress, Opportunities, and Challenges ****
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Summary Due: 24th November 2012 ****
Article due: 1st February 2013 ****
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The rise of social media and its use has been phenomenal, and yet to reach
its plateau. Social media is now overshadowing traditional media and
communication and is substantially transforming the way organizations,
communities, and individuals interact, gather information and perform their
routines. Encompassing a wide variety of information technologies, it
connects not only users but also other objects in ways that were
unimaginable till a few years ago. It also spans a large area of activities
that differ in content, purpose, and user profiles. ****
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Reports on real world events are propagated much faster within the network
of social sensors and social media continues to play a substantial role in
supporting collective actions. The ubiquitous availability of portable
devices that are always connected to the Internet, and easy-to-use social
network applications make it possible for us to get connected to - and
continuously contribute to - massively distributed online information. ****
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Social media brings a host of opportunities as well as presents some unique
challenges. Social media is being harnessed innovatively in business,
education, healthcare, government, law enforcement and more. The next
generation of social media will be more sophisticated with rich features
and innovative interfaces and will enable collaboration and
interoperability. We yet don’t know the full potential of social media and
how we can exploit its untapped potential. We also need new models of
computing, called social computing - approaches and methodologies to
process vast array of information scattered in social media and to
satisfactorily address some of the growing concerns on social media
applications. Further, effective mining, analysing, aggregating and
exploiting information sourced from social media is an open and exciting
challenge. To better exploit the power of social media, several technical,
organisational, societal issues and challenges needs to be better
understood and addressed. ****
** **
Social media and social computing is the focus of the upcoming 2013 issue
of *Infosys Labs
**, *a peer-reviewed international journal published by Infosys. The
journal has a large global targeted readership of over 10,000 which include
senior IT executives, CXO’s, decision-makers, academics, industry peers and
** **
This special issue will provide a comprehensive coverage of ongoing and
potential future developments and new perspectives on this hot topic of
increasing significance. For this issue, we solicit articles from
researchers and practitioners from industry on the following and other
related topics:****
**· **Foundations of social media ****
**· **Social media platforms, including their reliability and
performance ****
**· **Gleaning value from social media and how to best integrate it
into business, education, healthcare, government, homeland security, and
**· **Enterprise social media applications; social media marketing**
**· **Context awareness and personalisation in social media
**· **Social business****
**· **Social software****
**· **Design and development harnessing social media****
**· **Crowd sensing and crowd sourcing****
**· **Social knowledge extraction and aggregation****
**· **Security, privacy and trust issues and risks in social media**
**· **Social analytics and mining; social media discovery****
**· **Social media monitoring and visualization****
**· **Social semantic technologies and applications****
**· **Social informatics****
**· **Multilingual social media****
**· **Social network of things (SNT)****
**· **Social media leveraging smart (mobile) devices, Internet of
Things (IoT) and other new platforms.****
**· **Social media quality - accountability and responsibility ****
**· **Social media in India, China and other Emerging Markets****
**· **Societal, political, educational or business impacts of
social media; social media culture****
**· **The future of social media and social computing ****
**· **Case studies and experience reports****
** **
Feature articles should be *no longer than 5000 words* and have no more
than 20 references (with tables and figures counting as 300 words each).
Illustrations, Tables, videos are highly encouraged. *Spotlight (short)
articles presenting case studies, trends and perspectives are also welcome.*
** **
Those interested to contribute an article for this special issue are
invited to send an extended summary of their proposed article for initial
consideration to the Guest Editor, Professor San Murugesan <
san1 at internode.net> by *24 November 2012*. The summary (about two pages
long) should include: Title; author(s) name, affiliation and email address;
scope, main contributions and significance of the article, an article
outline and a brief author(s)’ bio(s) highlighting their expertise in the
area. Final manuscript will be due by 1 February 2013. All submissions will
be peer-reviewed for acceptance and accepted articles will be copy edited
for clarity and to confirm to journal’s style.****
** **
*For further information, please contact:*****
*Professor San Murugesan *****
Guest Editor****
Director, BRITE Professional Services****
Adjunct Professor, University of Western Sydney****
san1 at internode.net****
** **
*Yogesh Dandawate*****
Deputy Editor****
Infosys Labs Briefings<http://www.infosys.com/infosys-labs/publications/infosyslabs-briefings/pages/index.aspx>
Infosys Labs****
yogesh_dandawate at infosys.com****
** **
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*Professor San Murugesan*, PhD, FACS
Director, BRITE Professional Services (Sydney)
Associate Editor-in-Chief, IEEE’s *IT Professional* magazine****
Editor, Green Technologies, ****
Editor, IEEE* Computer* magazine and Cloud Cover column****
Adjunct Professor, University of Western Sydney****
Member, IEEE Computer Society Cloud Computing Strategic Technology
Committee (STC)
san1 at internode.net
Linked-In: http://au.linkedin.com/pub/san-murugesan/9/a/607
Twitter: http://twitter.com/santweets****
** **
* *
*Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices <http://bitly.com/JbY6kq>*
San Murugesan and GR Gangadharan (Eds),
Wiley and IEEE Computer Society,
*Sep 2012, * http://bitly.com/JbY6kq. ****
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