[liberationtech] OkayFreedom

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Sat Oct 27 16:12:07 PDT 2012

Nadim Kobeissi:
> Nice analysis.

These are just data points that clearly have no meaning. None at all.
Why, if only a bug would tell me that it was exploitable, I still
wouldn't believe it! Why are you convinced?!

> Pursuant to this, I think downgrading this project from
> OkayFreedom to MehFreedom would be more suitable.

I'm just not sure - I mean, we have no evidence that computers or
software used for security by high risk activists has ever been
compromised. I think you're really jumping the gun by downgrading from
Okay to Meh. So paranoid. Please Nadim, try to be serious. Next you'll
mention JavaScript crypto and tell me that even *you* have concerns!

(* I mean, really, I hope you're laughing now because everything above
this part of the email is parody, a joke, a sad sad but oh so true joke. *)

Sarcastically but without a hint of bitterness,

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