[liberationtech] CfP: "Cultural workers: Mediation and sociocultural movements"
sergio d'antonio maceiras
sergiodm.mail at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 11:19:36 PDT 2012
We are glad to send you the Call for Papers for our next issue at
MOVEMENTS (Dic. 2012)
For more information about submissions or Editorial policies, please
visit the page "About the journal"
We will appreciate as well your help with the spread of the CfP and the
Thank you,
Teknokultura Journal.
**In light of new economic and technocratic interventions and in the
context of further social and cultural downsizing and financial cuts,
this issue joins other initiatives which from the standpoint of activism
and social mobilization have been able to identify and organize around a
number of concerns in urgent need of attention. By calling on cultural
workers (teachers, artists, researchers, activists, cultural
associations, journalists, social workers ...), /Teknokultura/ hopes to
organize and mobilize the individualized uneasiness of cultural workers,
a collective as diffuse as it is broad, as capable as it is fragmented,
in order to confront the adverse and apparently overwhelming
circumstances of recent years. Against the progressive buying and
selling of a culture transformed into commodity, exalted by the
withdrawal of the State and the public sphere, we also want to render
visible the idea that culture is a right and a basic means of
socialization and social participation. This is a common point of
departure from which we interpellate ourselves and our audience as part
of a wider community of cultural workers.
From this editorial position we encourage the exploration of the
following practices, cases and initiatives, together with their analysis
and theorizing, in different cultural and institutional contexts:
* Practices that refuse to understand as purely personal concerns
wider institutional, economic and social issue and relations. It is
important to emphasize the personal and collective benefits derived
from these "refusals".
* Analyses that illustrate in rigorous ways the ability to activate
new or already existing affinities or networks in adverse
institutional environments without necessarily appealing to strong
notions of militancy or full time activism. Again, it is important
to emphasize the personal and group benefits that can be derived
from these initiatives
* Examples of solidarity and mutual aid of groups and collectives that
have been able to activate alternative forms of "welfare and social
support" and that may be considered as paradigmatic examples for
future initiatives.
* Case studies about cognitive workers or forms of immaterial work
(academics, intellectuals, journalists, cultural critics ...) which
have felt the need to turn to more "tangible" issues with more
"material" effects, and the way this material turn has affected
their own intellectual/immaterial work and politics.
In harmony with our editorial approach, we seek original and unpublished
work, preferably based on rigorous research and analysis, not just from
academics and intellectual workers, but also from social movements,
activists, neighbourhood movements, rural experiences and associative
urban experiences, whether local, national or international. Indeed, we
invite contributions from all those spaces where sociocultural
mediations and capitals are moving towards more sustainable social
changes and orders.
In addition to conventional articles, /Teknokultura/ publishes other
formats within its diverse sections: 'A des/propósito de...' (dedicated
to short essays or critical comments about techno scientific topics and
debates), 'Activismo y Movimentos sociales' ('Activism and Social
Movements'), dedicated to a variety of initiatives and experiences
supported by social networks, groups and social movements), 'Pantallas'
('Screens') (this section is about audiovisual work like videogames,
cinema, web projects, etc.); we also have 'Convers-acciones'
('Convers-actions') (including debates and collective interviews on
relevant topics around technology and/or social mobilization) and
'Reseñas' ('Book Reviews').
Articles should be up to 7000 words in the main section. For other
sections, see theEditorial Policies.
Submissions are accepted in English and Spanish.
For more information please contacttk at teknokultura.net
<mailto:tk at teknokultura.net>
_Coordinators:_Sergio D'Antonio, Angel Gordo y Luis Moreno-Caballud
Final articles:_NOVEMBER, 30^th 2012_
Publication date:DECEMBER, 2012
Use theguidelines
our website when preparing a proposal for presentation.
Indicate"Cultural Workers"in the draft
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check
the status of current submissions.
Online Submissions <http://teknokultura.net/index.php/tk/about/submissions>
If you already have a Username/Password for Teknokultura GO TO LOGIN
Need to obtain a Username/Password? GO TO REGISTRATION
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