[liberationtech] OkayFreedom

Eric S Johnson crates at oneotaslopes.org
Thu Oct 25 17:36:20 PDT 2012

The vast majority of netizens in cybercensored countries who use a VPN (or other form of proxy) are doing so in order to access otherwise-blocked content, without any particular expectation of (or need for) security. So, any VPN will do (and OkayFreedom’s as good as any other).


Conceivably, a government which is trying to prevent access to certain content might be upset at cybercircumventing netizens, in which case issues of anonymity/privacy come into play. But I’ve never heard of a case in which a user has been punished merely for cybercircumventing. I’d love to hear of such a situation. (NB I’m not talking about an AUP or TOS or contract, or a regulation or decree or rule or law, or a declaration or assertion or speech, or … or … or …)


Conceivably, a cybercensoring government could come up with all sorts of tricky ways to “poison” cybercircumventing citizens by, say, seeding local VPN resellers with a VPN that delivers a “fake” site loaded with malware. But again, that’s purely theoretical; I know of no cases in which a government has deviously provided a cybercircumvention service to its netizens in order to nefariously identify or spy on them. I’d love to hear of such a situation. (I’m not talking about merely setting up a mirror with slightly different content, or DNS poisoning, or MITMing, or socially-engineered malware-by-email, or targeted clickjacking, or … or … or …)




 <http://keyserver.pgp.com/vkd/DownloadKey.event?keyid=0xE0F58E0F1AF7E6F2> PGP


From: liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu [mailto:liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu] On Behalf Of Amin Sabeti
Sent: Friday, 26 October 2012 00:02
To: Liberation Technologies
Subject: [liberationtech] OkayFreedom


Hi team,


Some users from inside Iran have used OkayFreedom VPN: http://www.okayfreedom.com/


I'd like to know is it secure or not? Because I haven't read any news, review, etc. about it.


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