[liberationtech] OkayFreedom

micah anderson micah at riseup.net
Thu Oct 25 10:07:29 PDT 2012

Amin Sabeti <aminsabeti at gmail.com> writes:

> There are lots of reasons. For example one of them is it's FREE and another
> one is sometimes some VPNs are working in Iran and some of them not. Also,
> the Iranian people have trust to the foreign VPNs more than the reseller
> inside Iran.

Are there good reasons not to use a VPN service provided by a more known
and trusted provider such as Riseup[0], or the pirate bay? Riseup's VPN
is free, although it costs us money, and we are currently struggling
there, so have been working on a fundraising drive now - but for groups
in places like Iran, we would not expect you to pay.

full disclosure: i'm with riseup (and consider myself trustworthy!), and
I know a lot of activists also have a high degree of trust in the work
we do at riseup, perhaps partially because we've been around for 12
years and have a lot of history with social movements. Issues of trust
are complicated, and I totally understand the reason you state for the
reseller inside of Iran... but I wouldn't just pick whatever free vpn
provider you can find and then later find out if its trustworthy.


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