[liberationtech] safegmail-is-a-simple-way-to-encrypt-messages-in-gmail

Alec Muffett alec.muffett at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 06:51:02 PDT 2012

On 23 October 2012 13:58, Samuel Carlisle <samuelcarlisle at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all, I would like to request the programers in our community (cryptoparty and liberation tech) to help with a code
> review and collaborate on this new piece of software / service called Safe Gmail:
> I have put words to that effect here: https://github.com/crised/SafeGmail/issues/1
Hey Sam,

So would you say that SafeGmail architecturally preferable to spending
effort creating a better PGP integration?

If so, why?

I have some friends who are lobbying for funding for the latter, hence the


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