[liberationtech] cfp ecpr - arab springs / indignados / ows - deadline approaching

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Oct 22 20:14:45 PDT 2012

From: Alice Mattoni <alice.mattoni at eui.eu>

** sorry for cross-posting # please spread widely **

Dear colleagues and friends,

the ECPR just opened the call for paper for the next ECPR Joint Sessions,
in Mainz (Germany) from 11 to 16 March 2013. Donatella della Porta and I
will direct one of the workshops dealing with the transnational dimension
of recent protests occurring in the Arab, European and North-American
countries. With a special focus on imageries/practices of democracy and
communication/mediation processes. Here it is the workshop abstract (you
can find a longer description in the ECPR website):

*"The workshop intends to analyze the transnational dimension in the recent
wave of global protests like the Arab Spring, the European Indignados, and
Occupy Wall Street. Literature on transnational social movements flourished
in the last decades, exploring social movement networks that organized
counter-summits demonstrations and social forums meetings. Most recent
protests across the world had, amongst their target, national governments
and policies. But they also maintained a strong transnational stance.
Starting from a comparative perspective, the workshop focuses on the
transnational mechanisms and processes at work in the Arab Spring, the
European Indignados, and Occupy Wall Street by paying particular attention
to 1) imageries and practices of democracy and 2) communication and
mediation processes."*

Please spread the news about the workshop. You can submit paper proposals
via the ECPR official
The deadline for submission is Monday, 5 November 2012.
Kindest regard,

Alice and Donatella
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