[liberationtech] Call for Book Reviews: Ecquid Novi - African Journalism Studies

Hayes Mabweazara mabweazara at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 18 15:52:53 PDT 2012

> Dear all,

> With apologies for cross posting.
> Ecquid Novi - African Journalism Studies (ENAJS) (http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/recq), a journal focusing on journalism in Africa as well as comparative studies of journalism in the global South, is currently seeking reviewers for the following titles:
> -          Graham Meikle and Guy Redden (2010) News Online: Transformations and Continuities, Palgrave Macmillan
> -          Graeme Turner (2010) Ordinary People and the Media The Demotic Turn, Sage
> -          Graham Meikle and Sherman Young (2011) Media Convergence: Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life, Palgrave Macmillan
> -          Linje Manyozo (2011) People's radio: communicating change across Africa. Southbound Penang, Penany, Malaysia.
> -         Susan Forde (2011) Challenging the News: The Journalism of Alternative and Community Media, Palgrave Macmillan/ Tony Harcup (2012) Alternative Journalism, Alternative Voices, Routledge.(seeking a review essay for these two books).
> -          John Steel (2011) Journalism and Free Speech, Routledge
> -          Jane Singer et. Al. (2011) Participatory Journalism: Guarding Open Gates at Online Newspapers, Wiley-Blackwell
> -          Ola Ogunyemi (2012) What Newspapers, Film, and Television do Africans living in Britain see and read? The media of the African diaspora, Edwin Mellen Press.
> -         Mark Deuze (2012) Media Life, Routledge/ Sarah Kember & Joanna Zylinska (2012) Life After New Media: Mediation as a Vital Process, MIT Press. (seeking a review essay for these two books).
> -          James Curran, Natalie Fenton, and Des Freedman (2012) Misunderstanding the Internet, Routledge.
> -          James Rodgers (2012) Reporting Conflict, Palgrave Macmillan
> -          Elliot King, Jane Chapman (eds) (2012) Key Readings in Journalism, Routledge
> -          Martin Conboy (2012) Journalism Studies: The Basics, Routledge
> -          Gerard Goggin (2012) New Technologies and the Media, Palgrave Macmillan
> ***
> Reviews should be 1,000 words and will be published in three forthcoming issues of Ecquid Novi - African Journalism Studies. Deadlines available are 1 May 2013, 1 October 2013 and 1 February 2014.
>  If you are interested in contributing, please email the following details to ENAJS's Book Reviews Editor, Dr Hayes Mabweazara (mabweazara at yahoo.com and mabweazara at gmail.com), by the 8th of February 2013:
>             the book/s you would like to review and your preferred deadline
>             name, affiliation and postal address
>             research interests
>             abridged CV
> Best regards,
> Hayes

Dr Hayes Mabweazara
Lecturer in Journalism
School of Media and Performance
University College Falmouth 
Tremough Campus, Penryn 
England, TR11 9EZ 

T 0044-1326-211077 
F 0044-1326-370400 
M 0044-7552 732 847 
E hayes.mabweazara at falmouth.ac.uk 

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