[liberationtech] New brief - Empowering Women & Girls Through ICT at Libraries
Melody Clark
melclark at uw.edu
Thu Oct 18 09:26:36 PDT 2012
Hello, all!
Given that I had such a great response from these lists about the brief I was working on focusing on girls, women, libraries, and ICT, I wanted to share the final Beyond Access<http://www.beyondaccess.net/> publication with you. Thank you all again for your messages, examples, and interest in this work.
It can be seen & downloaded here: http://www.beyondaccess.net/2012/10/18/empowering-women-and-girls-through-ict-at-libraries-october-issue-brief/
I've also attached a PDF copy here.
Hope you enjoy!
From: Melody Clark
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 11:28 AM
To: change at change.washington.edu; 'iworld at uw.edu'
Subject: Seeking your help - how libraries help girls & women with technology access & skills
Hello, all!
I'm working on a policy brief about girls & women, ICT, and libraries - specifically how libraries can be a safe, reliable place where girls & women in developing countries can gain access to ICT skills and technology training.
In the brief, we'd like to include 3-5 examples of libraries already filling this increasingly important need for girls & women to have safe access to gain ICT skills. Do any of you have examples of how a library(ies) you know of are doing this?
If so, please email me at melclark at uw.edu<mailto:melclark at uw.edu> with your example(s).
Thank you very much in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Melody Clark
Research Coordinator | Global Impact Study
Technology & Social Change (TASCHA)
melclark at uw.edu<mailto:melclark at uw.edu> | 206.685.7819
Twitter: @ictimpact<http://twitter.com/#!/ICTimpact> | @melodyrclark<https://twitter.com/#!/melodyrclark>
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