[liberationtech] Call for papers: Mobile Telephony in the Developing World

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Oct 14 23:50:43 PDT 2012

From: Sirpa Tenhunen <sirpa.l.tenhunen at jyu.fi>

We invite papers for a conference and doctoral workshop on mobile telephony
in developing countries in the <https://www.jyu.fi/en>**University of
Jyväskylä in Finland on *May 24-25, 2013*. Our aim is to explore how the
rapid spread of mobile telephony in developing countries is associated with
development, new media, society and culture. Keynote speakers will be
Jonathan Donner, John Postill and Julie Soleil Archambault .

In just over a decade, mobile technology has provided users in
Africa, Asia, and South America and Central America with the first
extensive system of electronic communication. Mobile phone use draws from,
and influences all spheres of everyday life in developing countries
-- livelihoods, relationships, security and politics among others. As
a cost-efficient and accessible media, mobile technology has
increasingly been harnessed for combating poverty thorough a variety of
applications which offer services in health care, agriculture, employment
and education.

We welcome innovative scientific and policy-oriented papers which draw from
empirical research in the humanities and social sciences on the use of
mobile phones in everyday life.We aim to promote dialogue between research
and policy making, so in addition to academic researchers, the conference
is open to persons working or interested in policy and applications such as
representatives of government and NGOs. Possible topics include, but are
not limited to, the use of mobile phones in relation to following themes:
gender, health, m-banking, livelihoods, politics, economics, education,
social relations and culture. How does mobile telephony bear upon gender
relationships, economy, social relations and politics? What kind of
innovative practices is mobile
telephony offering to combat poverty and health problems? Have
mobile phones offered new possibilities for economic activities and
political participation? How has mobile communication affected
social relationships and networks in developing countries? How has it

We invite proposals for panels and individual papers, to be submitted by no
later than *November 30^th , 2012*. Each presentation will be allotted 20
minutes. The conference organizers cannot sponsor or fund presenters or
delegates, who are expected to pay for their travel, food and stay during
the conference. *There will be no registration fee for the conference*.

A 300-word abstract, full contact information for the author, and
a biographical note (up to 75 words) on the author(s) should be
submitted by no later than 30th November 2012. Full papers should not be

 Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified in January 2013.
Please send your abstract as an e-mail attachment to the following address:
sirpa.l.tenhunen at jyu.fi

For the details on the doctoral workshop, see

The conference is organized by the Finnish Academy funded project "Mobile
technology, gender and development in Africa, India and Bangladesh" led by
Prof. Laura Stark, Dept. of History and Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä.

Sirpa Tenhunen
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