[liberationtech] #GEOINT2012 - Keynote by Director of DIA

Gregory Foster gfoster at entersection.org
Sun Oct 14 10:49:02 PDT 2012

The GEOINT 2012 forum was held this past week (Oct 8-11) in Orlando.  
It's characterized as "the nation's largest intelligence event of the 
year...for the defense, intelligence and homeland security communities."
#GEOINT2012 <https://twitter.com/search/%23GEOINT2012>

The event is hosted by the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation.

Videos of the keynotes (and other sessions) are available, so here are 
some notes of relevance for the liberationtech community:

Keynote (Oct 10 10:45am) - "LTG Michael Flynn, Director, Defense 
Intelligence Agency [DIA]":

Worth noting that Flynn was just promoted to the leadership of DIA with 
a mandate to fundamentally re-organize DoD intelligence:

~7:15 - On presentation slide, "Cyber Operations" are characterized as 
one of the three most important transitions identified in the worldview 
reshaping DIA.

~13:30 - "This discussion about bandwidth that was had earlier... You 
know, the network is the new weapon system.  Bandwidth is the new class 
of supply.  So, so, commanders on the battlefield, and I will tell you 
this isn't like division or 2- or 3-star level.  This is battalion and 
brigade commanders, regimental commanders in the Marine Corps.  They are 
fighting the network more than they are having to fight the enemy or 
deal with their environment.  So our need, you know the question that 
came in to Stu here this morning, well, what happens when you have a 
bullet through your computer? That's a question that's ok, but it's 
coming from somebody who doesn't understand what's going on on the 
battlefield today.  Or how we are enabling human beings, our soldiers, 
our men and women, to be able to fight.  So it's different.  Data is our 
new ammunition, it is definitely our ammunition in the intelligence 
community.  It is about access to data.  I love the questions about, or 
the answer from the one gentleman, I think from USAID, I believe, that 
said we're going to violate your rules anyways, on information sharing. 
That's very true, it's happening everyday.  In fact we have policies and 
things that we have back here [in the United States] that don't apply to 
the real world when we place men and women in harm's way. Next slide."

~15:15 - "What is it that we do - national security - we do it from a 
defense posture.  What do we learn from the last decade of conflict and 
also while we remain in conflict.  The era of persistent conflict.  It's 
a phrase you don't hear much, people don't really like to say it but 
that's the way it is.  And I believe that for the rest of my time we 
will be in this era of persistent conflict where threats that we faced 
in the past are now merged with threats that we will face in the future 
in many we've seen over the last decade."

~25:40 - JWICS, "top-secret global command and control" system "run in 
the bowels of DIA", 230K users.  Presentation slide features now-famous 
image of Executive leadership using JWICS system to monitor bin Laden 
assassination.  Indicates there has been an exponential increase of 
users on system.

~38:30 - Question: how will Defense HUMINT integrate with CIA HUMINT in 
the future?  Answer ranges more widely, focusing on alignment of 
"capacity" globally.  Breaks it down into "international problem", 
"perimeter [border] problem", and "domestic/internal problem".

If I get to it, I'll send notes from General Keith Alexander's keynote:


Gregory Foster || gfoster at entersection.org
@gregoryfoster <> http://entersection.com/

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