[liberationtech] Please Welcome Susan Alderson to Liberationtech

Fran Parker lilbambi at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 13:34:33 PDT 2012

Welcome, Susan!

I hope you know that any comments I have made are made to help, not 
hinder or knock Silent Circle. I am actually on the mailing list for 
Silent Circle and am excited about it, but do have concerns too.

On 10/12/12 4:26 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:
> Susan Alderson, Silent Circle's VP of Informatics, has joined
> liberationtech.  Please welcome her to the group.
> Susan, thank you for joining the group.  We look forward to the
> opportunity to learning more about Silent Circle's technology and
> plans to enhance encrypted communication.
> Best,
> Yosem
> --
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