[liberationtech] CryptoParty Handbook

Samuel Carlisle samuelcarlisle at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 18:25:31 PDT 2012

*Hello Everyone,
firstly greetings from CryptopartyLondon our second big meetup is coming up
on the 19th October. I will be so happy to share that PDF
https://cryptoparty.org/wiki/CryptoPartyHandbook and I have been trying my
best to keep my computer on to see the torrent
https://cryptoparty.org/wiki/CryptoPartyHandbook#Torrent (help with that
would be appreciated btw!)
Also I am glad to say that I will have a couple of hardback copy on hand at
the next London meetup on Friday the 19th October. So a big thanks to
everyone for
all their hard work on the book...now the longer bit of the email (please
note: I wish the outcome of this email and the following discussion to be
less duplication of effort and a better book / end result for everyone that
will use the book)*
This is a reply to an email from adam at flossmanuals.net
Sun Oct 7 21:40:26 PDT 2012*

While on one level this is good (and quite amazing to see) I can also
> see lots of split efforts which I think is not optimum.

*I agree, splitting effort is not a good idea because we cannot merge the
edits on different platforms easily...*

> It would be good if there was one spot. Additionally I think that the
> energy of this list
> to fork to github is really a mistake - github is not usable by people
> you may wish to attract to the book.

*This statement is to definitive / final, we should let the people try and
see if they can contribute or collaborate in some way using the github
platform and some of us can provide support if some authors are struggling.*

> Since the book is aimed at the
> cryptoparty crowd, which is largely newbies,

*a) Is this strictly true? I would say that over 70% of the London
cryptoparty meetup were highly technically literate/capable and not what
one would call a newbie. That having been said, we need to make this book
accessible to everyone, from all skill levels. *
*b) Can basic user training / skills exchange help here?*
*c) Have you seen the click to edit WYSIWYG github features?*

> you need (in addition to crypto experts) non-crypto experts improving the
> book.

*Agree. *

> You need general writers and illustrators and proof readers etc to put in
> their
> contribution and make this book better - more readable and
> understandable for them.

*Agree. They can use the issue tracker to make edit requests if too
'non-technical' to edit code: https://github.com/cryptoparty/handbook/issues

> They will not use github to make contributions.
*We should try and see before making that assumption.  *

> This also includes translators of course.
So, I would recommend using the www.booki.cc installation since the book
> was forked there by one of the people that started the book

*a) Tradition is no reason to carry on with a platform.
b) Credit where credit is due is fine. Thanks to all the original
contributors and all the people that came up with the project. It is an
awesome initiative.
c) We want open collaboration on all platforms. All the people that started
the book are totally welcomed to take r+w/ git push/pull permissions on the
repo on github, this move IMHO was not meant as a cultural invasion! *

> (and I believe that group wishes to put their energy there)

*Is there a possibility to discuss alternatives here or has the final
decision been made?*

> and it is a free
> software (AGPL) platform,

*I like that it is AGPL, can we find and AGPL implementation of a
collaborative git platform which is feature rich like github... it is as
easy as a 'git clone' to switch... *

> it uses https,

*github and git uses https / SSH*

> and it is owned and managed by
> me and not a commercial company that makes proprietary software as
> github is.
*It is really cool to use your own platform. It is a nice platform and I
would trust it because the source code for your site might be available to
be reviewed unlike a company that makes proprietary software like Github.*
*We really want to get git post-hook triggers setup to compile to pdf and
other formats etc using latex

*I also found this comment on the subject of the github initiative on
another mailing list but I did not really know what to make of it? Can you
please clarify?
*Mon Oct 8 00:00:57 CEST 2012*

> seems like one person in the github.
ah you gotta love righteous energy
> splitting technocrats ;)
At the time of writing this email 01:40am on  12/10/12 there are 116 stars
(favourites for the repo) and 28 forks:*
 cryptoparty <https://github.com/cryptoparty> /
[image: T] samthetechie <https://github.com/samthetechie> /
 [image: T] infil00p <https://github.com/infil00p> /
 [image: T] lfzyx <https://github.com/lfzyx> /
 [image: T] diymut <https://github.com/diymut> /
 [image: T] iamxyz123 <https://github.com/iamxyz123> /
 [image: T] NagatoPain <https://github.com/NagatoPain> /
 [image: T] petervojtek <https://github.com/petervojtek> /
 [image: T] warmwinter <https://github.com/warmwinter> /
 [image: T] kevin-morgan <https://github.com/kevin-morgan> /
 [image: T] willamette <https://github.com/willamette> /
 [image: T] mjsrbook <https://github.com/mjsrbook> /
 [image: T] grammy-jiang <https://github.com/grammy-jiang> /
 [image: T] yorua007 <https://github.com/yorua007> /
 [image: T] glamrock <https://github.com/glamrock> /
 [image: T] codehead <https://github.com/codehead> /
 [image: T] eahydra <https://github.com/eahydra> /
 [image: T] djmattyg007 <https://github.com/djmattyg007> /
 [image: T] shimart96 <https://github.com/shimart96> /
 [image: T] elbkind <https://github.com/elbkind> /
 [image: T] aneumeier <https://github.com/aneumeier> /
 [image: T] ocfuu <https://github.com/ocfuu> /
 [image: T] therealplato <https://github.com/therealplato> /
 [image: T] kevintop <https://github.com/kevintop> /
 [image: T] chronoslynx <https://github.com/chronoslynx> /
 [image: T] DanielKinsman <https://github.com/DanielKinsman> /
 [image: T] Punkbob <https://github.com/Punkbob> /
 [image: T] paralopex <https://github.com/paralopex> /
 [image: L] virtadpt <https://github.com/virtadpt> /

*We are all eagerly awaiting more editors, more contributors, much more
contributions, more communication and more bug submissions:*

Work is coordinated on irc.oftc.net:6697 on channel #cryptoparty*

Samuel Carlisle BEng (Hons) Dunelm MIET
pgp: 0x54828CAA
twitter: @samthetechie <https://twitter.com/#%21/samthetechie>

On 9 October 2012 13:19, Asher Wolf <asherwolf at cryptoparty.org> wrote:

> > I still haven't understood the canonical url for editing - can you tell
> > me where the main book editing page is? I agree with Adam that Github
> > won't involve the right people but if that is the only interface, I'll
> > fork the book and send a pull request.
> Thanks, please list issues here:
> https://github.com/cryptoparty/handbook/issues
> We'll try to get people to edit all known issues asap.
> Thanks,
> Asher.
> --
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