[liberationtech] Join eCampaigning Forum Europe Nov 7-9 in Austria?

Duane Raymond duane.raymond at fairsay.com
Thu Oct 11 10:32:00 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

This might interest a few of you..and if not you might know who it would

In just under a month, the 2012 European eCampaigning Forum (e-campaigning
= digital activism for anyone in the US) is taking place near Vienna,
Austria on November 7-9.  See more here
http://europe.ecampaigningforum.comand the latest participant list:

Most of the event is 'open space' style (aka unconference style) which
means lots of opportunity to engage with other participants rather than
being talked at.  However we also have two keynotes:
1) Ryan Davies to give us his insider perspective of how the Obama
Campaign's use of digital tools compared from 2008 to 2012
2) Paula Hannemann from Germany (former WWF Germany, now Change.org) to
share her thoughts on the trends in Europe.

If you work with NGOs in Europe, it would be VERY useful to let them know
about this event.  European (excluding the UK) NGOs are quite a bit behind
in this area and the event aims to help them accelerate their adoption of
sound strategies and best practices.

I know this isn't as lib-tech focused as most of the conversations here (I
lurk and learn on this list), but the expertise and perspective you have
would be a nice compliment to what others participating would bring. Andre
Rebentisch (on this list) spoke last year and used the paper-rock-scissors
game as a model for how campaigning strategy should adapt/evolve...so I'd
love to get more cross-fertilisation/provocation from this group.

Hope to see some of you in Austria.  If you have any questions, just ask.



Duane Raymond
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
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