[liberationtech] Using Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs) To Improve Cross-Border Lawful Intercept Procedures

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) lists at infosecurity.ch
Wed Oct 10 13:59:14 PDT 2012

Hi all,

i'd like to suggest reading that  "ICC policy statement on Using Mutual
Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs) To Improve Cross-Border Lawful
Intercept Procedures" document, i found it very interesting regarding
the possible impact of policy development in that particular field.

Some interesting snippets: 

CSP = Communication Service Provider

"Two possible concerns regarding MLAT improvement are worth considering.
First, a substantial amount of work by governments (in cooperation with
CSPs) will be required to negotiate new MLATs and improve existing
MLATs. Second, *new processes for transferring personal information can
raise tensions with privacy and data protection rights under national
and trans-national law*. Both concerns are extremely important, and can
be managed in a responsible manner."

"Recommendation 5 -- "*Centralized, multi-country LI solutions should be

"In an environment of untethered communications, one of the biggest
challenges for LI and LEAs is that of locating and identifying
individuals, devices and data across globally-distributed communications
networks. This is a particular problem because devices and data can move
or disappear extremely quickly, generally leaving few bread crumbs to
follow. To deal with this challenge, *MLATs should include expedited
processes (with reduced timetables and simplified procedures) for LEAs
to exchange essential data for identifying the source and destination of
communications*. In order to prevent misuse of these processes (and to
avoid associated infringement of individual rights), the applicable MLAT
provisions should define with specificity the circumstances in which the
processes may be used and the types of data that may be exchanged."
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