[liberationtech] CryptoParty Handbook

Julian Oliver julian at julianoliver.com
Wed Oct 10 07:38:19 PDT 2012

..on Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 03:08:25PM +0200, Sacha van Geffen wrote:
> Hi Julian,
> On 10/10/12 13:41, Julian Oliver wrote:
> > Hey Sasha,
> > 
> .....
> > 
> > The book is a handbook, so it should contain the HOWTOs alongside introductions
> > to core concepts, threats, etc. There was a lot missing from Basic Internet
> > Security that needed to be covered for it to be a guide for real newbies. There
> > were also some tool areas not properly covered and or uppacked for use at Crypto
> > Parties. Adam Hyde led the sprints of both books.
> that makes sense, still the main point from my last mail was that if you
> copy content you should also take the time to check whether the content
> is (still) accurate. I am glad you trust us in what we have written, but
> you can't use that as the only excuse for having it included, you as
> writers should take your responsibility here.

I don't think any of us make that our excuse. We ommitted to copy in your
(and/or write other) text to put VPN/PPTP in security context. I'm not sure
why/how that happened. An ever visible security checklist for each chapter
would've fixed that!

> On the other hand this has also shown me one of the things to take care
> of when publishing free books, and that is that the basic unit seems to
> be the chapter, and that chapter needs to be self-contained, if our
> warning would have been closer to the actual pptp instructions it would
> have been included in your manual as well.

Agreed. Robust copyability.


Julian Oliver

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