[liberationtech] CryptoParty Handbook

ttscanada ttscanada at riseup.net
Tue Oct 9 17:51:59 PDT 2012

On 12-10-09 1:53 PM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> Heather Marsh:
> Yes, you are outlining two cases where you are communicating with people
> you know as a person known to them. I am suggesting we (as in large
> scale movements around the world) need to look more closely at data
> driven (as opposed to personality driven) models ... ie if/when Tribler
> gets onion routing working and an anonymous entity can drop data to a
> hashtag (instead of a person), this is to me a more secure communication
> model than one which relies on relationships between individuals, ie f2f
> or other. Then we have to deal with voice amplification and astroturfing
> issues, but it is the path I would rather proceed down than the trust
> networks being advocated by for instance, OWS which are fairly obviously
> problematic.
> Well, sorta. I have quite a few jabber accounts and sometimes, one per
> contact when I don't know them or when I do not want to be contacted at
> all times. :)
> With that said - I think GNUNet already does what you want re: hashtags
> of data, doesn't it? I mean, you literally search for a SHA1
> cryptographic hash - I guess GNUNet could call it a hashtag just for
> hilarity...
It would be between gnunet and tribler, but tribler is in the lead for 
both scaleability, with 1.2 million downloads, and close to 
livestreaming on android etc., and features in their protocols which 
allow some really interesting applications for mass collaboration 
channels. Plus they are ahead working on p2p knowledge repositories 
which is the only way I can think of to combat unverified astroturfing 
in a system besides trust networks. We need something that can scale to 
handle protests in Madrid or Beijing with something close to real time 
messaging and streaming. This being the current alternative (jk). 

All the best,

Heather Marsh

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