[liberationtech] best practices - roundup

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Tue Oct 9 15:16:45 PDT 2012

Maxim Kammerer:
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Lindsay Beck <lbeck at ndi.org> wrote:
>> Disclosure: TAILS relies on BIOS for operability, and thus can have
>> challenges functioning on newer computers that utilize UEFI without legacy
>> support for BIOS.
> For anyone interested: Liberté Linux already has full UEFI support for
> all installation types (USB, CD, OVF), and is also the first Linux
> distribution to use Secure Boot as a trusted boot chain mechanism.

Exciting and congratulations.

What is your plan for Secure Boot related signatures? It seems like a
real pain for a lot of distros and a real pain for users to setup,
especially those without an understanding of cryptography at a high level.

All the best,

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