[liberationtech] Looking for programmer for an app for document safety

Tanja Aitamurto tanja.aitamurto at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 18:12:56 PDT 2012


We are looking for a programmer to join us in *developing an app for
Android. * The development work will be done with our experienced
developer, so you don’t need to be a master programmer in order to qualify!
The work starts right away and continues for the next two months. We have
some limited funds to pay for the work.

*Details about the job: *We're looking for an eager programmer to join our
team and assist us on the app. We're hoping for about an 80 hour commitment
over the next couple months and we also have some limited funds available.
The development work will be done in collaboration with the experienced
developer in our team in his guidance, so you don’t need to be a master
programmer in order to qualify. This is a good opportunity to learn and
also develop your skills!

User stories are provided. For lot of the functionalities there are
existing libraries. We will be using a cloud storage API, so a big chunk of
the work will be about developing the UI.

*About the project:* We're a team of four people working on a project to
bring life-changing technology to people living in the slums of Africa.
Called Virtual SafeBox, we facilitate and provide access to online storage
space where people can store copies of their important documents (such as
birth certificates, National IDs, etc.). Our project sprang from the Designing
Liberation Technologies <http://hci.stanford.edu/courses/cs379l/> class at
Stanford earlier this year.

Being able to access such a copy can lessen the waiting time for getting a
new original by months, which can mean life or death for someone in the
slum trying to get a job or medicine. We've been working on this project
for over 6 months and have already tested working prototypes of our product
in various slums in Nairobi. For more information, check out our blog:

*About the team:* Our team consists of two PhD students, a programmer with
over 8 years of professional experience, and a social entrepreneurship
professional. We're currently developing an Android app and are planning on
launching our product in Kenya at the end of November.

*Location: *We operate mainly from Stanford campus and the Bay Area -
however, you don't need to be located here, as long as you are reachable by
Skype or other means of communication.

Please email us and let us know if you're interested or have any questions!
We are very excited about this project - welcome to join us!


Virtual SafeBox

(Tanja, Patrick, Matt, Thomas)


Studying the Open X at Stanford: crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, open
innovation, open data.
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