[liberationtech] CA bill on cellphone shutdown by public agencies

Gregory Foster gfoster at entersection.org
Tue Oct 2 07:29:46 PDT 2012

After California Senator Padilla's bill was unanimously passed by the 
California Senate and House---and endorsed by the bill's target Bay Area 
Rapid Transit (BART)---Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the bill on Saturday.

Here's Brown's official veto message:

<facepalm to preclude ranting>

On 4/19/12 12:20 PM, Gregory Foster wrote:
> SFGate (Apr 19) - "Bill bars cell service shutdown by public agencies 
> [without a court order]"
> http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/04/19/MNQM1O5B1R.DTL
> /The bill, SB1160 by Sen. Alex Padilla [ @Alex_Padilla_ 
> <http://twitter.com/Alex_Padilla_> ], D-Pacoima (Los Angeles County), 
> was approved in a unanimous bipartisan vote of a Senate committee 
> Tuesday and faces further committee hearings./
> HT @TheWyatt <http://twitter.com/TheWyatt> -> @NicoleOzer 
> <http://twitter.com/NicoleOzer> -> @NabihaSyed 
> <http://twitter.com/NabihaSyed>.
> Whew-ray!  Still a ways to go before law, but very very glad to hear 
> this bill is in motion.
> gf

Gregory Foster || gfoster at entersection.org
@gregoryfoster <> http://entersection.com/

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