[liberationtech] Yale ISP Journalism & Secure Communications Conference LiveStream

Nabiha Syed nabiha.syed at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 07:20:52 PST 2012

Good morning, folks --

The ISP conference I've been yapping about is now streaming live here:

Please do tweet questions to us at #ISPProJo -- we'd love to hear from you.

Agenda included below.


10:00– 12:00 pm                 *Panel I: The Gap between Security Risks
and Security Practices
*The alarm has been sounding on the weakness of data security practices
within the journalism industry. Inadvertent disclosures of a source’s
identity or of sensitive information could jeopardize the safety of the
parties involved, the publication of the news story, or even the integrity
of a journalistic institution. Every aspiring reporter is familiar with the
legendary success of Woodward and Bernstein in protecting Mark Felt. What
do such situations look like in contemporary journalism—and how have the
tactics changed since the days of hanging flags on balconies and meeting in
underground garages?

Yet newsrooms and journalism schools have been seemingly slow to react. How
does the industry perceive the security risks, what solutions is it
offering, and who is in a position to make those decisions? This panel will
open the conference by exploring the reasons for concern within journalism,
the training programs that have emerged in response, and the measures that
are actually being put into practice on the ground.

Moderator: *Rebecca Wexler*
•      *Marius Bosch
•      Quinn Norton
•      Geanne Rosenberg
•      Frank Smyth   *

12:00 –  1:00 pm                 *Lunch*

1:00 – 3:00 pm                   *Panel II: The Faith in Anonymous and
Secure Communic**ations   *

Over the years, an assortment of communication tools have promised
security, anonymity, or both, as protection against online and offline
threats alike. Some have been debunked and abandoned, but others have
endured. What is the current state of the art, and does the technology live
up to the hype? If so, how much technological savvy does one need to
achieve online anonymity, and what are the common traps and mistakes to
avoid? If not, should we be more cautious when touting such tools?

Even if the tools were flawless, would we necessarily want them? In what
ways might perfectly secure communication technologies help or hurt the
practice of journalism? Would a casual presumption of online anonymity
undermine the practice of careful vigilance? Would we want a world in which
governments can reliably hide information from the public, and law breakers
can reliably hide information from law enforcement? This panel will examine
the claims being made on behalf of secure technologies, as well as the
claims being made on behalf of secure journalism.

Moderator: *Bryan Choi
•      *Bryan Ford
•      Brian Krebs
•      Meredith Patterson
•      Cole Stryker   *

3:00  – 3:15 pm                  *15 minute Break*

3:15 – 5:15 pm                   *Panel III:  The Tradeoff Between Security
and Usability   *

In an ideal world, the tools we choose would be both perfectly secure and
easy to use. We gravitate naturally toward tools that “just work,”
especially when deadlines are looming and computer vulnerabilities are
vague and unrealized. Yet, maximum security requires cumbersome measures to
guard against every possible contingency. Tools that prioritize usability
have been criticized for cutting corners and failing to deliver the
security they advertise.

This panel will engage the heated debate that has erupted regarding the
tradeoff between security and usability. Can an effective middle ground be
achieved? What compromises do existing tools already embrace, and should
those compromises be celebrated or rejected? How should the development of
future security tools and tactics proceed? What is the optimal balance of
security and usability for journalists and technologists alike?

Moderator: *Nabiha Syed
•     * Dead Addict
•      Kelly Caine
•      John Railton
•      Ella Saitta
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