[liberationtech] fossjobs - first job platform exclusively for FOSS jobs

John Sullivan johns at fsf.org
Thu Nov 22 10:06:37 PST 2012

liberationtech at lewman.us writes:

> On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 09:35:52PM +0100, moritz at torservers.net wrote 0.7K bytes in 24 lines about:
> : I know it is still lacking content as of now, but it has received some
> : attention already since I opened it for the public on Friday (over 4000
> : unique visitors in 24 hours).
> Have you talked to Matt at FSF?  https://www.fsf.org/resources/jobs

Thanks for mentioning us. :) 

We have indeed been running this low-key free software jobs board for
some years now. I say low-key because we have not given it the kind of
attention I'd like; but I also know it has helped some people find jobs.

Matt's not at the FSF any longer, but people who want to talk about the
jobs page can reach us at jobs-page at fsf.org.


John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
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