[liberationtech] CFP co-sponsors a mini-conference in Cambridge: Monday 11/19 6pm

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Nov 18 20:29:35 PST 2012

Normally, I would only send this to the events list.  But I'm sending
it to the main list as well, per the sender's request.


CFP is co-sponsoring a mini-conference in Cambridge, MA, at 6 pm ET on
Monday, November 19.  See below for the invitation.  We hope that you
can attend.  If not, the event will be recorded and posted.


Speaker:  William Binney, Former National Security Agency, Technical
  Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting
  Group, Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center (SARC)
Discussant: Carol Rose, Executive Director, ACLU of Massachusetts
Time:  Monday, November 19, 2012, 6 - 7.30 pm ET
Location:  MIT, Stata Center Room 32-141,32 Vassar Street, Cambridge MA
Sponsors:  MIT Cryptography and Information Security Group,
  http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cis/ and the Computers, Freedom,
  and Privacy Conference, www.cfp.org
Contact: Be Blackburn, be at csail.mit.edu, Deborah Hurley, dhurley at well.com
Relevant URL: http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cis/cis-talks.html


While spreading an atmosphere of fear after 9/11, our government has
violated our laws, prevented the Congress and courts from doing their
Constitutional duty, created a surveillance state and concentrated
power in the executive, all in the name of keeping us safe.  In an
effort to reverse these ongoing unconstitutional activities, William
Binney revealed the National Security Agency's massive domestic spying
program, Stellar Wind, which intercepts domestic communications
without protections for US citizens.  Binney disclosed that NSA sought
and received access to telecommunications companies' domestic and
international billing records.  He told the public that, since 9/11,
the agency has intercepted between 15 and 20 trillion communications.
Binney also revealed that the NSA concealed Stellar Wind under the
patriotic-sounding "Terrorist Surveillance Program," in order to give
cover to the warrantless surveillance program's violations of the
constitutional rights of Americans.

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