[liberationtech] Arabic Pidgin-OTR Tutorial

KheOps kheops at ceops.eu
Sun Nov 18 14:17:42 PST 2012

Le 18/11/2012 16:26, Marcin de Kaminski a écrit :
> Also, since it was discussed on this list: what is the status of Pidgin
> OTR? Didn't it have some sec flaws?

As far as I remember, Pidgin has can use (through libpurple) two
different libraries to handle SSL connections - one of them seemed to be
really broken.

However, I think the OTR plugin has a pretty good reputation, and a
private OTR conversation (with verified fingerprints), even using a
broken SSL implementation from Pidgin, provides an end-to-end encryption
of the discussion.

Hence, I tend to think, using Pidgin + that OTR plugin still looks to be
a good advice to me.

Correct me if I'm wrong :)


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