[liberationtech] Arabic Pidgin-OTR Tutorial

Uncle Zzzen unclezzzen at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 13:45:15 PST 2012

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv>wrote:

> Perhaps a bot army attack on the site, until the hosts change it is in
> order.
> Just an idea. That does seem to be the accepted mode of getting security
> issues fixed these days, no?

I'm a lover, not a fighter :)

Anyway - turns out there *is* a sig. It's just well hidden.
If you go down to other downloads
<http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/#downloads>they have Windows (4.0.0)
with a sig.
*The 4.0.0 is a typo*. It's the latest version (4.0.0-1), and the
it (at least in Thailand).

To be on the safe side (since the pubkey is also on the same [non-ssl]
Key fingerprint of the release signing
key<http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/gpgkey.asc>I see in Thailand:
5769 79E7 D0CA B38C 7AA3  DDBD DED6 4EBB 2BA8 7C5C

To make things easier for Gazans, once we're convinced it's the right file,
Nadim can write the sha1
of the exe (should be 04ec073d35f6f37615fecde6c56caf80a95b9e71) in the
youtube description
(and explain where to get sha1 software for windows, etc.).
Since youtube is accessible via SSL, I hope it would be hard to MITM.
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