[liberationtech] University of Washington starts new Masters HCI+Design

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Nov 16 10:00:41 PST 2012

From: James Landay <landay at cs.washington.edu>

Our new Masters in Human-Computer Interaction + Design is set to launch with its first incoming class next Autumn (2013). The MHCI+D is a unique, 12-month program that emphasizes a hands-on studio-based approach. This fully interdisciplinary program is led and taught by world-class faculty across the four main dub departments (CSE, Design, iSchool, and HCDE).

Please share the initial web site and announcement at http://mhcid.washington.edu with your friends and colleagues at other universities.  Applications and further information will be available online at that site in December.

Please pass this on!


James Landay 刘哲明
Short-Dooley Professor
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington

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