[liberationtech] My rant to demandprogress

David Moon moon at demandprogress.org
Mon Nov 12 14:18:09 PST 2012

RE: On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Uncle Zzzen <unclezzzen at gmail.com>wrote:

> If you sometimes put demandprogress banners on your sites, I think you
> should be concerned about this:
> https://dubiousdod.org/blog/i-feel-used.html

Ah yes, belated apologies for our delay in updating folks on the Kirstaeng
v. Wiley situation. I just emailed the blogger in question. We've been
digging out from work after the election (and of course Hurricane pause -
where I was stranded out of the country - oy!).

In any case, over 2,000 sites participated in the day of action, and we're
noticing a shift in the dialogue (see eg: google news search on "Kirstaeng
v. Wiley"). Here's an early article:

We're optimistic we may win in court (decision around June), but either way
this will likely end up as an issue in Congress. We're already hearing
murmurs that industry lobbyists are setting up meetings on the Hill to
pitch their case to restrict consumers from being able to re-sell their
goods. Over the coming weeks and months, we'll be building out activities
to try and counter this effort and build awareness among ordinary Internet
users and members of Congress about the erosion of "First Sale."

Stay tuned & thanks again (sorry for the delay)!  Lots more info at:

-David @ Demand Progress

David Moon, Program Director
Demand Progress

*Demand Progress works to win progressive policy changes for ordinary
people through organizing, lobbying, and elections in the United States.*

www.DemandProgress.org <http://www.demandprogress.org/>

Paid for by Demand Progress (DemandProgress.org) and not authorized by any
candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to Demand Progress are
not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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