[liberationtech] Debate Event "IRAN: From Online Freedom to Offline Democracy"

Rieneke van Santen rvansanten at radiozamaneh.com
Mon Nov 12 03:54:04 PST 2012

For all of you interested in liberation technologies, (social) media, human
rights and democracy for* Iran*, please be invited to the following debate

*From Online Freedom to Offline Democracy*
 *Media vs Activism: Do Words Lead to Results in Iran?

November 30th 2012, De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Debate in Persian: 16.00-17.30 h
Main program in English: 19.30-23.55 h

*Key note speakers:*
Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Prize Winner & Human Rights Lawyer)
Behrouz Afagh (Director BBC Asia)
Nazenin Ansari (Director Kayhan Weekly)
Mahmoud Enayat (Director Small Media)
Ali Bangi (Director ASL19)
Kamran Ashtary (Director Arseh Sevom)
Leon Willems (Director Free Press Unlimited)
Abdee Kalantari (Writer, Blogger & Cultural Critic)
Ehsan Norouzi (Techno-Politics Journalist Deutsche Welle)
Sohrab Razzaghi (Human Rights Lawyer)
Mahindokht Mesbah (Journalist)

*Moderator:* Dr. Mohammad Reza Nikfar (Editor-in-Chief Radio Zamaneh)
*Live music by:* Azadeh, Faarjam, Sahand & Mezrab Collective

The evening will be a dynamic mix of debate, multimedia presentations,
networking and live music by upcoming Iranian artists.

*Panel 1: (Social) Media*
On Facebook, Twitter, Gooya, Balatarin and other social media used by
Iranians. Which role do these platforms perform? Is the blogger scene in
Iran still alive? What do these online outlets contribute to in the offlice
Speakers: Abdee Kalantari, Ehsan Norouzi

*Panel 2: Internet (Technology, Security, Halal Net)*
Together with for instance China, North-Korea and Cuba, Iran is one of the
few countries in the world actively implementing a closed-circuit, national
Internet, detached from the world wide web. What is the current status and
the future prognosis of the so-called Halal Net in Iran? How far does
censorship reach? What is the role of circumvention tools? How security
aware are Internet users in Iran?
Speakers: Ali Bangi, Mahmoud Enayat

*Panel 3: Traditional Media*
How are Iranians inside Iran being serviced by national and international
traditional media outlets? What and how much information do they receive?
Do traditional media make enough use of new media? Or perhaps too much?
Speakers: Nazanin Ansari, Behrouz Afagh

*Panel 4: Social Action*
Do traditional and social media really connect with what remains of civil
society in Iran? For CSO's, are media a useful tool to promote hands on
action? Or does online activism and actual action hinder each other more
than they reinforce each others impact?
Speakers: Shirin Ebadi, Kamran Ashtary

*The event is free of charge. *
Please RSVP or ask your questions by emailing: *nov30 at radiozamaneh.com *

For further reference:
Web: http://radiozamaneh.com/english/content/zamaneh-debate

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/453964377980710/

If you can't make it, we will be tweeting live from the event, so follow
Radio Zamaneh or one of us on twitter!

Hope to see you there!


*Ms. Rieneke Van Santen*
*Program Manager*

Post: PO BOX 14513, 1001 LA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 0031 (0)20 638 7947 Skype: rieneke.zamaneh

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