[liberationtech] Press Club Panel: Social Media & 2012 US Presidential Race

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Nov 10 20:08:12 PST 2012

From: Colin Delany <cpd at epolitics.com>

Hi folks, this panel was originally supposed to happen on October 30th, but
the hurricane blew us away. We're rescheduled for next Friday, the 16th,
and there are a few tickets available. Hope you can make it! I'm on board,
along with Anthony Shop (Social Driver), Emily Schultheis (Politio), David
Almacy (Edelman), and Alex Howard (O'Reilly Media). Should be a great


Colin Delany
Epolitics.com -- dissecting the craft of digital political advocacy
cpd at epolitics.com
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