[liberationtech] NYTM Hurricane Sandy Tech Volunteers Update
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Fri Nov 9 22:10:02 PST 2012
From: "Jessica Lawrence" <jessica at nytm.org>
Below is the volunteer update I just sent to the over 900 members of our
community who have volunteered to lend their technology skills to hurricane
recovery (sorry for the duplicate message for members on both lists).
If you would like to volunteer, but haven't had a chance to sign up yet,
you can still do so here: nytechresponds.org
Over the past week and a half, as tech support requests have come in,
we’ve been matching our volunteers with those in need. As we head into the
weekend, I’ve outlined below some open projects that need support. Please
reach out to the people who need help directly if you can assist – their
contact information is provided under each listing.
Support Needed
The projects listed below need volunteer support. If you can help, please
reach out to the contacts listed directly.
****Whitney Hess Needs Help Honoring Those Who Have Passed Away****
Long-time NY Tech Meetup community member Whitney Hess has created an
online memorial of those who passed away during Hurricane Sandy:
If you have additional information those who passed away, please share it
with her.
Direct Contact: whitney at whitneyhess.com
****Queens Resource Website Request from the Queens Borough President's
Coalition for Queens & the Queens Borough President's Office is putting
together a team to build a website that aggregates and coordinates services
and needs Post-Sandy (such as local government agencies, charity orgs,
private service providers) for the general public. This dedicated site will
lead into a broader "Rebuilding Queens" campaign to be launched by the
Borough President's office later this month, and this will be a long term
project in rebuilding the Rockaways & other affected communities in Queens.
We will be incorporating mapping tools, social media feeds, and
crowd-sourced/user inputted information for this site and hope to build a
template that can be applied for other areas.
Direct Contact: ben at coalitionforqueens.org
****Request from New Jersey VOAD for Python/JS Programmers****
There is an urgent need for Python/JS programmers, particularly with Google
Maps experience to expedite the development (and optimization) of an
inter-agency collaborative work order system. This system is used to field
requests from residents whose homes have been damaged or destroyed by
Hurricane Sandy, and match them with volunteer organizations doing clean-up
They would like to get programmers working immediately on tickets.
Programmers may also join nightly training sessions at 9:00pm Eastern
between Thursday, November 8th and Monday, November 12th. To join the
• Dial (610) 214-0200, Access Code: 863597#
• Visit http://join.me to see my screen.
To help, please reach out directly to Aaron at voad at aarontitus.net
****Help with Projects to Support Seniors Impacted by the Hurricane****
Aging2.0 <http://www.aging2.com/> is partnering with
, Senior Planet <http://www.seniorplanet.org/>, aging services, and
technical volunteers to compile what we hope is a comprehensive list of
resources that can be used by older adults, their caregivers, community
organizations, and volunteers. We plan to post these resources online &
include the data as a separate layer of the Google Crisis Map (
We are looking for information about ongoing and Sandy-specific resources
for older adults, as well as details on which organizations need help (i.e.
donations or volunteers to do outreach to elderly affected by Sandy).
Please let us know what your organization is currently providing by filling
out this form http:// <http://bit.ly/helpsss>bit.ly/helpsss (or by emailing
help at seniorplanet.org if you do not have web access).
And let us know if anyone is interested in helping with this project (e.g.
immediate need is helping provide, collect, organize, check, or format info
for maps Longer term will want to create website, ArcView GIS map, &/or
mobile app with user-friendly search/filtering options)
Direct contact: wen at resonate-health.com
Hackathons Still Open for RSVPs this Weekend
****DoSomething.org/Warby Parker Hackathon*****
In the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy, participants now
have the option to also create a product centered around relief efforts to
help those affected. They also have the ability to create products that
will help prepare others for future emergency situations.
The DoSomething.org and Warby Parker Hackathon will take place on Saturday,
November 10, 2012 from 10am-8pm. This won't be just any regular hackathon
and believe us, you won't want to miss it.
Offers of Services/Support
****Free Services from Smallknot****
For affected small businesses, we are offering the use of our community
crowdfunding platform and advising services free of charge. To be
eligible, you must 1) be in a storm-affected area and 2) use funds raised
to undertake repairs or maintenance related to storm-related damage.
Eligible campaigns must be submitted by November 15, 2012.
If you or any small business owner you know has been affected by the storm,
please send an email to rebuild at smallknot.com.
****NYC Digital Tech Company Hurricane Impact Survey****
If you know of any startup/tech companies that might have been affected in
any way, even if their issues have since been resolved, please ask them to
complete our short survey, here: bit.ly/TNvUgB <http://t.co/PvOTPJ3W>.
Other Ways to Help
****Places to Volunteer this Weekend****
If you know of other opportunities, please let us know and we will add them
to our website and Facebook page.
*Rockaways: http://rockawayhelp.com/
*Rockaways: http://www.rockawayrelief.com/ (sold out, but you can register
for future trips)
*Rockaways: http://www.advocatefornewyork.splashthat.com/
*Red Cross – Mulitple Sites - https://www.nyredcross.org/?nd=form__577
*Park Slope Armory Shelter: http://www.volunteersignup.org/P888L
Tools to Share/Other Resources
Our main site: www.nytechresponds.org
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