[liberationtech] Open Technology Fund's 2012 annual report

Dan Meredith meredithd at rfa.org
Fri Nov 9 15:25:09 PST 2012

Heya all,

The Open Technology Fund, a program of Radio Free Asia, just released
our first annual report for the now past 2012 fiscal year. You can grab
it at https://www.opentechfund.org/_pdf/OTF_2012_Annual_Report.pdf.

This past year we were fortunate enough to receive $6.8 million in
public US government funds to support Internet freedom efforts. With the
many awesome folks here on this list, we wanted to share it directly
with you all for comment and opinions.

A quick description from inside the report:
This OTF annual report serves as a thorough introduction to the program,
its goals, and its existing and future commitments to the larger
Internet freedom community. This report highlights important facets of
OTF’s work and the projects OTF supports -- their accomplishments and
their ongoing work. This report provides the public with a deep look
inside OTF’s internal processes. Finally, this report will introduce
OTF’s anticipated future work in 2013 and beyond.

All the best,
Dan Meredith
Radio Free Asia
pgp 0x36377134

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