[liberationtech] 11/9/2012 PCD Seminar - Eric Paulos, UC Berkeley - Hybrid Assemblages, Environments, and Happenings: Technologies and Strategies for an Emerging Participatory Culture

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Nov 7 20:33:03 PST 2012

Stanford Seminar on People, Computers, and Design (CS547: HCI Seminar)

9 November, 2012
12:50-2:05 pm, Gates B01

Eric Paulos, UC Berkeley
Hybrid Assemblages, Environments, and Happenings: Technologies and
Strategies for an Emerging Participatory Culture

This talk will present and critique a body of work evolving across several
years of research at the intersection of computer science and participatory
culture - namely Citizen Science. This talk will re-examine the emerging
technologies and algorithmic approaches as well as the cultural practices
surrounding sensor legibility, scaffolding strategies, motivation, and
human relationships to participatory computing systems. We deconstruct our
current perceptions of mobile technologies away from that of simply
communication tools towards that of
super-computer-radio-stations-with-sensors. By rethinking mobile sensing
technologies, interactive and social experiences, and the architecture of
such systems, we believe that important new computing platforms and
practices will emerge around community engagement, civic participation, and
collective action. Computing enabled Citizen Science is positioned to
revolutionize new cooperative and collaborative approach to literacy,
transparency, and problem solving. Through studies of several deployments
across a range of landscapes - personal, infrastructural, community based,
etc. and exploring a variety of interactive experiences, this talk will
highlight specific strategies for engaging individuals and motivating them
to participate in emerging Citizen Science efforts. Our work leverages the
"cognitive surplus" of citizens across everyday landscapes and the
opportunistic gaps for small moments of "micro-volunteering". Throughout
this work is a reframing of Citizen Science beyond simply a focus on data
collection and towards an experience to promote curiosity, joy, wonderment,
and "new ways of seeing" our world. More importantly, we believe that
successfully designed Citizen Science projects can effect positive societal
change and produce a more participatory and transparent democracy with
improved understanding of our personal, environmental, and urban ecology.

Eric Paulos is the Director of the Living Environments Lab and an Assistant
Professor in the Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) with a faculty
appointment within the Electrical Engineering Computer Science Department
at UC Berkeley. Previously, Eric held the Cooper-Siegel Associate Professor
Chair in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University where
he was faculty within the Human-Computer Interaction Institute with
courtesy faculty appointments in the Robotics Institute and in the
Entertainment Technology Center. Prior to CMU, Eric was Senior Research
Scientist at Intel Research in Berkeley, California where he founded the
Urban Atmospheres research group. His areas of expertise span a deep body
of research territory in urban computing, sustainability, green design,
environmental awareness, social telepresence, robotics, physical computing,
interaction design, persuasive technologies, and intimate media. Eric
received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC
Berkeley where he helped launch a new robotic industry by developing some
of the first internet tele-operated robots including Space Browsing helium
filled blimps and Personal Roving Presence devices (PRoPs). Eric is also
the founder and director of the Experimental Interaction Unit and a
frequent collaborator with Mark Pauline of Survival Research Laboratories.

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