[liberationtech] NSF grant opportunity

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Nov 7 18:23:48 PST 2012

From: Peter Muhlberger <pmuhl1848 at gmail.com>

I would like to invite you to learn more about NSF's Secure and
Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) grants program.  SaTC provides grants
for research that a) makes theoretical and methodological
contributions to the SBE sciences and b) helps promote a secure and
trustworthy cyberspace.  Cybersecurity is a pressing national need for
which there are, as of 2012, new research resources in the Social,
Behavioral, and Economic (SBE) sciences directorate and which tap
resources in the Computer and Information Science and Engineering
(CISE) directorate.

In the past year, the SBE / SaTC program has, with co-funding from
CISE, provided over $15 million (over $6 million to small and
medium-sized projects) in funding for people in a range of social
sciences, including economics, psychology, sociology, political
science, communication research, science of organization, and

SaTC researchers can focus exclusively on social science matters
related to cybersecurity or can work with computer scientists.  For
instance, a purely social science topic of interest is international
norms with respect to cybersecurity / cyberwarfare.  For those
interested in working with computer scientists, the SaTC program is
holding a number of events to help social and computer scientists
discover mutually advantageous collaborations.

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of this line of
research, please feel free to look at the SaTC solicitation,
participate in the upcoming online cyber cafe in which CISE and SBE
scientists will discuss potential SaTC research, consider coming to
the SaTC PI meeting (even as a non-PI), and / or sign up for the SBE /
SaTC mailing list:

SaTC solicitation:

Cyber Cafe:  11:30-5:30 EDT, Fri. Nov. 2, 2012.  Learn more and register:

SBE / SaTC mailing list:
Send the following message text to LISTSERV at LISTSERV.NSF.GOV
SUBSCRIBE satcspi your_name
For example:
SUBSCRIBE satcspi John Wheeler

In addition to the cyber-cafe, there remain a limited number of SBE /
SaTC slots for the SaTC PI meeting, which can be attended by non-PI
social scientists interested in learning more about this line of
research.  This will be a major event with hundreds of participants.

Learn more:
Register:  Use the above site for conference and hotel reservation
links.  Use the case-sensitive registration code SaTC2012SBE when

Peter Muhlberger
SBE / Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Program Officer
National Science Foundation
pmuhlber at nsf.gov

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