[liberationtech] Fwd: Presenting the new Lorea distribution: Foxglove

Eva Galperin eva at eff.org
Wed Nov 7 14:45:15 PST 2012

"Anyone familiar with who needs liberation and what technology they
require, is of course aware of lorea."

This statement is baffling and demonstrably untrue. This is certainly
the first I've ever heard of Lorea and I have not, to my knowledge, met
a single person who uses it.

When I go to read the website in order to get some idea of what this
tool/service might be and I read things like "...our nurtured army of
fairies will work hard on the experiments, assess the views of
inhabitants and will conjure spells that are necessary to make our
flowers grow increasingly connected and beautiful," I do not get any
clearer idea of what Lorea is, what it does, or who uses it.

If this list is missing out on some important new
security/privacy/social media tool that is being widely used for
organizing, that sounds like something people here might want to know about.

Eva Galperin
International Freedom of Expression Coordinator
Electronic Frontier Foundation
eva at eff.org
(415) 436-9333 ex. 111

On 11/7/12 2:25 PM, ttscanada wrote:
> Anyone familiar with who needs liberation and what technology they
> require, is of course aware of lorea, and that includes everyone I know
> on this list. The new release looks great guys, thanks for all your
> effort. :-)
> All the best,
> Heather
> On 12-11-07 11:46 AM, ale fernandez wrote:
>> Hi
>> On Wed, 7 Nov 2012 12:13:04 -0500
>> Nadim Kobeissi <nadim at nadim.cc> wrote:
>>> Either I'm a total idiot or this is the most pretentious website on the
>>> Internet
>> There may be more options than the two you see at the moment.. :)
>> I'm certainly using it like mad since it came out, both bug finding as
>> well as actually filling in assemblies - I'm in an assembly run
>> cooperative and using lorea is really important as a shared place to
>> work, and I think in general it complements the in-person aspect of
>> assemblies really well.
>> All our groups get to share info and now with the new version we can
>> do a lot more sharing and organising of tasks and assembly outcomes..
>> Having the assembly module also gives us the ability to organise our
>> thoughts into objectives proposals and decisions, and make sure things
>> get picked up and hopefully resolved...
>> And if it's the language that got you, maybe it could do with a catchy
>> jingle like "the facebook for people to actually do stuff with".
>> The "nodal representation" isn't about the people using the network,
>> but the various physical nodes where people might get internet or
>> access to a mesh network, which then has a social networking service
>> (or whatever other services) being served from it so you can access it
>> even if the internet goes down but the mesh network stays up.
>> But please go to n-1.cc and check it out!
>> Ale
>>> NK
>>> On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Alex Comninos
>>> <alex.comninos at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Lolwut?
>>>> On Nov 6, 2012 6:32 PM, "Anne Roth" <annalist at riseup.net> wrote:
>>>>>   News about Lorea https://lorea.org/
>>>>> ("Lorea is a project to create secure social cybernetic systems, in
>>>>> which a network of humans will become simultaneously represented on a
>>>>> virtual shared world.
>>>>> Its aim is to create a distributed and federated nodal organization of
>>>>> entities with no geophysical territory, interlacing their multiple
>>>>> relationships through binary codes and languages.")
>>>>> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>>>>> Betreff: Presenting the new Lorea distribution: Foxglove
>>>>> Datum:  Mon, 05 Nov 2012 21:12:17 +0100
>>>>> Von:    spideralex <spideralex at riseup.net>
>>>>> *The new distribution of Lorea is called Foxglove: Social networks of
>>>>> the people and for the people!*
>>>>> As part of the ACT! 2012 <https://lorea.org/assets/act2012>, Lorea
>>>>> social networks have migrated to a new version called Foxglove
>>>>> based on
>>>>> the version 1.8 of Elgg free software <http://elgg.org/>. This new
>>>>> distribution has several improvements regarding the design, usability
>>>>> and stability of the networks and offer also new tools (the full list
>>>>> can be viewed here
>>>>> <https://n-1.cc/pages/view/1505323/lorea-new-distribution-foxglove>).
>>>>> Among them there is a new module that allows you to design assemblies
>>>>> agendas collectively, keeping minutes and highlighting decisions and
>>>>> previous consensus. It also enables decision making either by majority
>>>>> or by consensus, with the option of blocking decisions and modifying
>>>>> proposals for decision. This wide variety of options is intended to
>>>>> suit
>>>>> the various decision making processes of groups engaged with
>>>>> assamblearism, thus preventing the software of imposing its criteria
>>>>> above collective practices. Other new options are customizing the
>>>>> working environment, search box for groups contents, new images
>>>>> galleries, improvements of the Etherpads (collaborative writing in
>>>>> real
>>>>> time) and the integration between fora and mailing lists (persons not
>>>>> registered inside the networks will be now able to subscribe to groups
>>>>> mailing list).
>>>>> During the course of this November, Lorea's fairies will work into
>>>>> refining the migration and complementing the documentation such as the
>>>>> manuals in order to help people become familiar with the new
>>>>> version. It
>>>>> should also be kept in mind that Lorea are self-organized networks
>>>>> where
>>>>> all its inhabitants can engage with their development and gardening.
>>>>> Lorea calls for collaboration in this joint project, first by being
>>>>> patient with the potential errors that might occur occasionally during
>>>>> the migration process, secondly, by testing the tool, reporting
>>>>> shortcomings and making suggestions to keep improving (bugs can be
>>>>> reported here <https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/929536/testers-elgg-18/>)
>>>>> and in
>>>>> third place by making diffusion of this new version (either by
>>>>> publishing this news and/or giving talks and workshops). Donations are
>>>>> also logically welcomed <https://n-1.cc/pages/view/14888/>.
>>>>> *About Lorea*
>>>>> Lorea means "flower" in Euskera and uses the metaphor of seeds to
>>>>> refer
>>>>> to each ones of its networks' planted in an experimental field
>>>>> federated
>>>>> ".
>>>>> The project stems from an informal group of people concerned about
>>>>> security and privacy on the social web, providing from the field of
>>>>> free
>>>>> software and technological activism. It was launched during the 2009
>>>>> Hackmeeting
>>>>> <http://sindominio.net/hackmeeting/index.php?title=Portada>,
>>>>> the annual gathering of hackers in the Spanish State. There two social
>>>>> networks Digital Free Art and N-1 <https://n-1.cc/> converged and
>>>>> decided to join forces to develop further social free, secure,
>>>>> federated
>>>>> and self-managed social networks.
>>>>> ACT! 2012 is an action derivatived from the Barcelona Consensus
>>>>> performed by an active citizenship, GLOBAL, simultaneously and with an
>>>>> effective PARTICULAR result looking for social, political, economic
>>>>> palpable transformation. For this purpose different organizations /
>>>>> networks / groups have supported as ACT! 2012 Lorea and another
>>>>> movement
>>>>> (Ekta Parishad). The Nova-organization Social Innovation (driving
>>>>> Consensus Barcelona) has awarded 4,000 Euros each organization to
>>>>> carry
>>>>> out its actions. Thanks to the support you
>>>>> gave us the Lorea community have used this incentive to free
>>>>> programmers
>>>>> who developed the project. Also with ACT!, During days 27 to 2
>>>>> September, we held a Hacktahon Lorea to outline the development of
>>>>> assemblies, modules, feedback and suggestions and work together on
>>>>> migration.
>>>>> N-1.cc, Cooperativa.ecoxarxes.cat and Enekenbat.cc are already
>>>>> migrated,
>>>>> rest will follow soon
>>>>> -- 
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