[liberationtech] Fwd: Presenting the new Lorea distribution: Foxglove
Nadim Kobeissi
nadim at nadim.cc
Wed Nov 7 09:13:04 PST 2012
Either I'm a total idiot or this is the most pretentious website on the
On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Alex Comninos <alex.comninos at gmail.com>wrote:
> Lolwut?
> On Nov 6, 2012 6:32 PM, "Anne Roth" <annalist at riseup.net> wrote:
>> News about Lorea https://lorea.org/
>> ("Lorea is a project to create secure social cybernetic systems, in
>> which a network of humans will become simultaneously represented on a
>> virtual shared world.
>> Its aim is to create a distributed and federated nodal organization of
>> entities with no geophysical territory, interlacing their multiple
>> relationships through binary codes and languages.")
>> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Betreff: Presenting the new Lorea distribution: Foxglove
>> Datum: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 21:12:17 +0100
>> Von: spideralex <spideralex at riseup.net>
>> *The new distribution of Lorea is called Foxglove: Social networks of
>> the people and for the people!*
>> As part of the ACT! 2012 <https://lorea.org/assets/act2012>, Lorea
>> social networks have migrated to a new version called Foxglove based on
>> the version 1.8 of Elgg free software <http://elgg.org/>. This new
>> distribution has several improvements regarding the design, usability
>> and stability of the networks and offer also new tools (the full list
>> can be viewed here
>> <https://n-1.cc/pages/view/1505323/lorea-new-distribution-foxglove>).
>> Among them there is a new module that allows you to design assemblies
>> agendas collectively, keeping minutes and highlighting decisions and
>> previous consensus. It also enables decision making either by majority
>> or by consensus, with the option of blocking decisions and modifying
>> proposals for decision. This wide variety of options is intended to suit
>> the various decision making processes of groups engaged with
>> assamblearism, thus preventing the software of imposing its criteria
>> above collective practices. Other new options are customizing the
>> working environment, search box for groups contents, new images
>> galleries, improvements of the Etherpads (collaborative writing in real
>> time) and the integration between fora and mailing lists (persons not
>> registered inside the networks will be now able to subscribe to groups
>> mailing list).
>> During the course of this November, Lorea's fairies will work into
>> refining the migration and complementing the documentation such as the
>> manuals in order to help people become familiar with the new version. It
>> should also be kept in mind that Lorea are self-organized networks where
>> all its inhabitants can engage with their development and gardening.
>> Lorea calls for collaboration in this joint project, first by being
>> patient with the potential errors that might occur occasionally during
>> the migration process, secondly, by testing the tool, reporting
>> shortcomings and making suggestions to keep improving (bugs can be
>> reported here <https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/929536/testers-elgg-18/>) and in
>> third place by making diffusion of this new version (either by
>> publishing this news and/or giving talks and workshops). Donations are
>> also logically welcomed <https://n-1.cc/pages/view/14888/>.
>> *About Lorea*
>> Lorea means "flower" in Euskera and uses the metaphor of seeds to refer
>> to each ones of its networks' planted in an experimental field federated
>> ".
>> The project stems from an informal group of people concerned about
>> security and privacy on the social web, providing from the field of free
>> software and technological activism. It was launched during the 2009
>> Hackmeeting <http://sindominio.net/hackmeeting/index.php?title=Portada>,
>> the annual gathering of hackers in the Spanish State. There two social
>> networks Digital Free Art and N-1 <https://n-1.cc/> converged and
>> decided to join forces to develop further social free, secure, federated
>> and self-managed social networks.
>> ACT! 2012 is an action derivatived from the Barcelona Consensus
>> performed by an active citizenship, GLOBAL, simultaneously and with an
>> effective PARTICULAR result looking for social, political, economic
>> palpable transformation. For this purpose different organizations /
>> networks / groups have supported as ACT! 2012 Lorea and another movement
>> (Ekta Parishad). The Nova-organization Social Innovation (driving
>> Consensus Barcelona) has awarded 4,000 Euros each organization to carry
>> out its actions. Thanks to the support you
>> gave us the Lorea community have used this incentive to free programmers
>> who developed the project. Also with ACT!, During days 27 to 2
>> September, we held a Hacktahon Lorea to outline the development of
>> assemblies, modules, feedback and suggestions and work together on
>> migration.
>> N-1.cc, Cooperativa.ecoxarxes.cat and Enekenbat.cc are already migrated,
>> rest will follow soon
>> --
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