[liberationtech] Recommendation for an independent software tester

Sarah A. Downey sarah at getabine.com
Tue Nov 6 14:23:11 PST 2012

Hi Nadim-

Sure. Specifically, it's:

1. A browser add-on that blocks online tracking, so we're most interested
in speed tests (how quickly pages load with tracking blocked versus a clean
control browser or other comparison software), memory usage comparisons
(how much memory is consumed between various comparisons like those above),
and webpage error rates (how many errors occur on websites while using the
add-on, compared to other add-ons). These performance evaluations are the
primary tests we're interested in.

2. We don't store any user data (aside from a non-personally identifiable
overall number of downloads), but although *we *know that, it'd be helpful
for an independent third party to verify that. That's more of a privacy
analysis, but it'd be interesting and helpful to see if there are any
security vulnerabilities in the product as well.


On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Nadim Kobeissi <nadim at nadim.cc> wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> It might be helpful to outline:
> 1. What kind of products need testing? Website? Web app? Mobile app?
> 2. Do you also need security testing for vulnerabilities, or do you only
> require performance tests?
> This might help us to give you more accurate recommendations :-)
> NK
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Sarah A. Downey <sarah at getabine.com>wrote:
>> Hey libtech:
>> This group seems like a democratic bunch that values unbiased research,
>> so I'd appreciate your insight. I work for a software company, and we want
>> to have an independent company run some tests on our products (like speed
>> tests, memory consumption, web errors generated, etc.), and I was wondering
>> if you had any recommendations for such a company. Is there a company or
>> researcher that you'd trust above others if you read that they were behind
>> a test?
>> Happy election day for those in the US and thanks for your opinion.
>> -Sarah
>> --
>> *Sarah A. Downey*
>> Privacy Analyst  |  Attorney
>> Abine <http://goog_822727389>, Inc <https://www.abine.com>:  Online
>> privacy starts here.
>> t:  @SarahADowney <https://twitter.com/#/SarahADowney>  |  p:
>> 800.928.1987
>> Blogging on privacy at Abine.com/Blog
>> Like us? Spread the word! <http://abine.com/likeus.php>
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*Sarah A. Downey*
Privacy Analyst  |  Attorney
Abine <http://goog_822727389>, Inc <https://www.abine.com>:  Online privacy
starts here.
t:  @SarahADowney <https://twitter.com/#/SarahADowney>  |  p:  800.928.1987
Blogging on privacy at Abine.com/Blog
Like us? Spread the word! <http://abine.com/likeus.php>
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