[liberationtech] Fwd: Stanford Social Entrepreneurship Exchange NOV 8th 6:30-8:30 PM
Sam King
samking at cs.stanford.edu
Mon Nov 5 23:47:50 PST 2012
There's a social entrepreneurship fair on Thursday. If you are interested
in programming for a social enterprise or starting one, this is a great
opportunity to learn about resources.
Sam King
Director | Code the Change <https://codethechange.org> - ask me how you can
help the CS for Social Change movement!
Teacher | CS1U: Practical Unix <http://cs1u.stanford.edu> - videos and
exercises are available free online!
facebook <https://www.facebook.com/samjking>,
twitter <http://twitter.com/codethechange>,
verbose letters <http://samking.org>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Matthys <karen at matthys.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 8:55 AM
Subject: Stanford Social Entrepreneurship Exchange NOV 8th 6:30-8:30 PM
To: samking at cs.stanford.edu
Hi Sam,****
Bill Behrman suggested that I contact you. We have organized a campus wide
open-house for students interested in social entrepreneurship. I thought
perhaps some of the Code the Change students would be interested. We have
some great speakers lined up, as well as a “fair” where students can hear
about classes, clubs and Stanford resources available to support them.
Dinner is included. ****
The event is free, but it would be helpful if everyone rsvp’d so we get
some idea of how much food to order.****
Thanks for forwarding this along to your lists,****
Karen Ebert Matthys****
Center for Social Innovation****
Stanford Graduate School of Business****
kmatthys at gsb.stanford.edu****
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[image: Inline image 2]****
Interested in tackling a tough social or environmental issue? Want to
change the world for the better? Curious to hear what Stanford resources
are available to you? ****
*First Annual Stanford Social Entrepreneurship Exchange*****
*Nov 8th, 6:30-8:30 PM*****
Obendorf Hall, Zambrano Building - 3rd floor****
Knight Management Center - Stanford Graduate School of Business****
This event welcomes undergrads and graduate students across campus --- from
those who are just learning about social entrepreneurship to those who are
ready to launch a social venture tomorrow, and everyone in between! ****
· *So, What is Social Entrepreneurship? *
Hear it from Greg Dees, the man who defined it and is often described as
the “father of social entrepreneurship”****
· *They did it! Why not You? *
Success stories by alumni social entrepreneurs ****
· *Pitch for Good*!
What makes a good pitch? JD Schramm, faculty director of the Stanford GSB
Communications Initiative, has the inside story ****
· *Social Entrepreneurship Open House*
Discover resources from relevant Stanford departments, centers, programs,
and student groups ****
· *Stanford Venture Studio Tour *
Could this be the first home of your new venture? Find out from the
Stanford GSB Center for Entrepreneurial Studies.****
Free food and drinks for all!****
RSVP: http://csi.gsb.stanford.edu/event-registration-s2e2****
For more questions, please contact: Allen Thayer****
*Co-Sponsored by:*****
Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students (BASES)****
Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Graduate School of Business****
Center for Innovation in Public Healthcare****
Center for Social Innovation, Graduate School of Business****
Food and Agriculture Resource Management Club, Graduate School of Business**
Haas Center for Public Service****
John and Terry Levin Center for Public Service and Public Interest Law ****
John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships****
Office of Technology Licensing****
Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS)****
Program in Healthcare Innovation, Graduate School of Business****
Program on Social Entrepreneurship, Center on Democracy, Development, and
the Rule of Law****
Social E-Capital
Social Innovation Club, Graduate School of Business****
Stanford Entrepreneurship Network****
Stanford Public Policy Program****
Stanford Social Innovation Review****
Stanford Urban Studies Program****
The Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment ****
Sustainable Business Club, Graduate School of Business****
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[image: Inline image 3]****
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