[liberationtech] EVENT: Peer-to-Peer Politics, Moving Beyond Left & Right

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Nov 3 17:38:51 PDT 2012

Join MIT's Aaron Naparstek and Ethan Zuckerman as they host an election-eve
conversation with *Steven Johnson*, author of "Future Perfect: The Case for
Progress in a Networked World" and Harvard Law School's *Yochai
Benkler*, *Susan
Crawford* &*Lawrence Lessig*.

Peer-to-Peer Politics
Moving Beyond Left and Right

6 PM, Mon November 5
MIT Media Lab, Building E14, Third-Floor Atrium
MIT Campus Map<http://mit.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=70543aaa7e732813eb2cf860a&id=7c99d024df&e=51b7a05521>


*About the Conversation*

The market versus the state. Big capital versus big government. Just about
everything we talk about in politics today revolves around those two poles.
What if there's a third option? Instead of those monoliths, imagine a web
of collaboration that's neither market nor state where no one is in charge
because everyone is in charge. In his new book, "Future Perfect: The Case
for Progress in a Networked World," author Steven Johnson argues that the
core principles that apply to the design and function of the Internet could
be applied to solving many different kinds of problems, across dozens of
sectors, including cities. What if the most powerful tool to advance the
cause of social progress is the peer-to-peer network?

A livestream will also be available at
Hosts: Aaron Naparstek is a visiting scholar at MIT's Department of Urban
Studies and Planning; Ethan Zuckerman is director of the Center for Civic
Media, a collaboration between MIT Comparative Media Studies and the MIT
Media Lab.

Andrew Whitacre
Communications Director
MIT Center for Civic Media
(617) 324-0490
awhit at mit.edu
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