[liberationtech] November 7th: What Associations and Nonprofits Can Learn from Election 2012 (DC Week Panel)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Nov 3 06:17:29 PDT 2012

November 7th: What Associations and Nonprofits Can Learn from Election 2012
(DC Week Panel)<http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/epolitics/~3/V1C2jH1ItgQ/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email>

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 01:24 PM PDT

Hi folks, I’m lucky enough to be on what looks to be a terrific
post-election panel <http://smcdcweek-eorg.eventbrite.com/#>offered by the
DC Social Media Club and the Beekeeper Group on November 7th as a part
of Digital
Capital Week <http://digitalcapitalweek.org/>. We’ll be discussing lessons
nonprofit and trade associations can learn from the 2012 elections, and I
have a funny feeling we’ll have a lot to talk about. Plus, there’s
lunch! Register
now <http://smcdcweek-eorg.eventbrite.com/#>; details below:

DC Week: What Associations and Nonprofits Can Learn from Election 2012

Join Social Media Club DC for a networking lunch and panel discussion
featuring experts from the association and non-profit advocacy space as we
talk about the tools and tactics that worked and didn’t work in 2012.
Please note that you must RSVP on
Eventbrite<http://smcdcweek-eorg.eventbrite.com/#> to
confirm attendance + let us know what you would like to eat for lunch.


   - John Brougher – @JohnBrougher <http://www.twitter.com/JohnBrougher>,
   Vice President of Marketing and Nonprofit Sales, NGP VAN
   - Colin Delany – @epolitics <http://www.twitter.com/epolitics>
   - Tammy Gordon – @floridagirlindc<http://www.twitter.com/floridagirlindc>,
   Director of Social Communications, AARP
   - Dave Leichtman – @Dleichtman <http://www.twitter.com/Dleichtman>, Vice
   President, Services and Support, Salsa Labs, Inc.

*Moderated by:*

   - Tyler Gray, @tylergray <http://www.twitter.com/tylergray>, Digital
   Program Manager – Beekeeper Group

Hope you can make it! BTW, the Press Club panel on social media and the
presidential race that had been scheduled for earlier this week had to be
postponed because of the storm; it looks like we’ll be holding it on
November 16th. Details to come.

– cpd <http://www.epolitics.com/about-epolitics/#bio>
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