[liberationtech] Personal Democracy Civic Hackthon, June 9+10 in New York

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu May 31 11:43:35 PDT 2012

From: Andrew Hoppin <andrew.hoppin at gmail.com>

Hi folks,

I'm helping Personal Democracy Media to convene a civic hackathon on
June 9th-10th in New York (just before the annual PDF conference),
with some great sponsors, prizes, NGO partners like Rock the Vote, and
on-stage demos at the conference.

Please do consider:

a) signing up to come:

b) submitting and voting on app ideas (also at

c) passing the word with tweets like: "Register & submit app ideas for
the PDF:Applied Civic Hackathon June 9+10:
"http://personaldemocracy.com/pdf-applied #PDF12 #opengov #opendata"

d) proposing other NGOs and/or government agencies to lead specific
app development teams (email pdf.applied at gmail.com)


Andrew Hoppin    @ahoppin
Managing Partner, New Amsterdam Ideas
Open Technologies Advisor, NYC DoITT
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