[liberationtech] [E-Voting.CC] EVOTE2012: Call for Participation. Early bird fee expires soon.

Manuel J. Kripp m.kripp at e-voting.cc
Wed May 30 05:05:12 PDT 2012

Dear all,

please apologize any multiple cross-posting. 
The EVOTE2012 takes place from 11 to 14 July 2012 in Castle Hofen in Lochau/Bregenz, Austria.
Join us at the 5th International Conference on Electronic Voting bringing together experts from academia, administration, government as well as business to discuss latest trends and developments at Castle Hofen. The conference is known for its interdisciplinary and open dialogue between all stakeholders of e-voting.
The conference theme is Challenges for Electronic Voting – Transparency, Trust and Voter Education!
The program consists of interesting and diverse papers, divided into nine sessions. You can download the preliminary program here: http://www.e-voting.cc/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/05/EVOTE2012_PreliminaryProgramme.pdf
We want to remind you that the deadline for the early bird fee expires on 1 June. After this deadline, the conference fee will increase to €440, instead of €360. Thus, please make sure to register as soon as possible.
For registration, please follow the link: http://www.vorarlberg.nethotels.com/cpv/english/evote2012
For more information about the conference, visit our website www.e-voting.cc/2012
We look forward to welcoming you at EVOTE2012.
See you in Castle Hofen,
Manuel Kripp


Manuel J. Kripp 
Managing Director 

E-Voting.CC GmbH 
Competence Center for Electronic Voting and Participation 
Pyrkergasse 33/1/2 
A-1190 Wien 

Phone: +43 1 3193950 
Fax: +43 1 3193955 
Mobile: +43 676 9697 962 
Skype: manuelkripp 
E-Mail: m.kripp at e-voting.cc 
Web: http://www.e-voting.cc 


All information is available at http://www.e-voting.cc/2012/

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