[liberationtech] FB-like "Twitter-connect" soon. How can we avoid all this tracking?

Anne Roth annalist at riseup.net
Wed May 30 00:20:25 PDT 2012

Am 27.05.12 08:15, schrieb The Dod:
> For example, the page users get when they click on the "I":
> http://thedod.github.com/socialshareprivacy/about.html
> should probably be a translation of
> http://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/2-Klicks-fuer-mehr-Datenschutz-1333879.html
>   * Any volunteers for translating that page? (Anne?).

Yes, I can do that (not right away, but soon)


>   * Any other feedbacks? Could people here test this? (a question for
>     those who have facebook: /is/ there a difference between "like" and
>     "recommend", or is it just a button label?
>   * "Campaign-wise", any ideas how to expose this to as many
>     webmasters/webmistresses as possible?
> I'll be traveling for the next 2 days and I'm not sure I'll have
> internet (or even phone for that matter), but I'll be dreaming of pull
> requests :-)
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